The white rabbit’s first appearance!
Alice, the White Rabbit and the Caterpillar. In the background you can see the fish that just gave the White Rabbit his invitation to the croquet.
Tweedledum and Tweedledee arguing over their invitation.
The Mad Hatter’s tea party.
Detail of the tea party.
Cupcakes in the tea room in the interval.
Painting the roses red!
The Red Queen with her cards coming down to play croquet.
Alice and the Duchess at the croquet match.
Alice, the Mock Turtle and the Griffin as the Mock Turtle tells his story.
Mad Hatter on trial.
Alice on trial.
The Queen of Heart’s make up.
Alice waking up from her dream.
It was such a lovely day! I went with my sister and we had chocolate cake and hot chocolate in the Tea Room too.
Oops it’s sideways!!
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