
Today I went to the cinema with my sister and my friend Kiki. This is what my sister Beth wore (but with a yellow shirt over the top, I thought it looked really nice so I wanted to show it here).

She had to get off the lawnmower so I could take her picture haha!
Anyway, we went to see “Death At A Funeral”:

It was really funny, not the best film I’ve ever seen, but I really like James Corden’s part in it, hilarious! We ended up having the whole screen to ourselves so we could laugh as loudly as we wanted which was brilliant. We went to Frankie and Benny’s for lunch after; I had a chicken caesar wrap with chips, yum!
So my outfit from the day is above, hype it on Lookbook by clicking the hype button! Here is another view from the front in which I’m pulling a pretty weird face…as usual!!

It was so warm all day so when I got home I sunbathed with the newspaper in the garden.
Also, my dad is crazy. He went and bought an inflatable hot tub a couple of weeks ago!! So me and the boyfriend went in it tonight, although it wasn’t completely heated up but that was okay coz it’s so hot right now anyway! We watched Britain’s Got Talent through the door while we were in there haha!!

The hot tub itself! The crazy bump in the middle is an inflatable thing in the lid, I’m not really sure…
And my dad broke his foot today. Well at least we think it’s broken, he chopped down our eucalyptus tree yesterday (it was pretty big, like 14 foot or something) then today he went to chop it into little pieces for firewood and put it on our old garden table, which collapsed under the weight onto his foot. It’s horribly swollen and bruised, it looks so painful but he refuses to go to hospital! I have a picture but I don’t think I’ll post it lol!! He’s still walking around on it and everything, and he still cut up the tree (“revenge” apparently!) but he can’t fit his shoe on so he’s wearing velcro sandals haha!! And he’ll have to wear them to work tomorrow!
Anyways, that’s enough from me for now =)

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