Daily Outfit Challenge – Day 8

Day 8  Thursday 14/10/10

Navy Blue Cardigan: Primark
Floral Print Cross Back Dress: Republic
Black Leggings: Primark
Leather Cut Out Peep Toes: Topshop

The lighting is awful in these pictures, sorry!! I had to take these early this morning as I started uni earlier than usual and it was still dark outside! And it was a horrible cloudy, miserable morning too =(
My hand really hurts today, I took so many notes! I work part time as a note taker for disabled students too so I had that today, and then I had 3 more hours of lectures (so 4 hours in a row over lunch!!)

1 Comment

  1. October 17, 2010 / 5:18 am

    Can I first say that you are absolutely gorgeous? 😉

    My name’s Amber Rose, and I’m from the clothing swap email that we’ve all got going on! I wanted to pop over to your blog to get a better sense of who you are, and I’m loving it! (ba-da-ba-ba-ba… Golden Arches.)

    My hand hurts, too. None of my professors let us use laptops, and I swear my hand was about to fall off the on Thursday especially. Good times.

    I’d love to hear from you soon, dear. I really do hope this clothing swap works out– especially because I’m loving your clothes! ha. 😉

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