How does it feel for you?

I’m sorry I’m being useless today but I only have one picture for you! I’ve caught a horrible cold that my mummy had at the weekend when I went home and so consequently I don’t feel too brilliant today. At least I still managed to get dressed, even if it was only like 2 hours ago…. I was still up at 8.15am though despite only sleeping about 3 hours because I couldn’t breathe. Oh I’m sorry I’m off again with my complaints! Well anyway, here is the one picture for you, I took about 6 and gave up because I look and feel horrible but I wanted to share my new skirt, it arrived yesterday £3 on eBay, originally £19.99 from Zara. I love the floral print and the little underskirt poking out the bottom, the only problem is that it poofs out a little under the elastic waistband which makes my hips look massive, but I think with a belt that problem could be solved, I just don’t feel like wearing one today!

Pink Cardigan: Topshop
Grey V Neck T Shirt: Primark
Floral Skirt: Zara via eBay
Purple Tights: New Look

I’m a bit bored now and my head is too fuzzy too do any work, so I think I might prepare some book reviews to post up on my blog, I haven’t done any in a long time but I have a read a lot of books =D



  1. November 12, 2010 / 9:59 pm

    That skirt is so cute!! great find!!

  2. November 13, 2010 / 4:56 pm

    Get well soon! And the skirt is really lovely!

  3. November 14, 2010 / 3:34 pm

    feel better sweetie 🙂
    i love ur floral skirt and the tights !

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