Again I’m being a useless blogger because it’s been nearly a week since my last post, sorry! But I think I’ll be back to more regular blogging now because I’m back in Newcastle again, back at uni tomorrow after a massive Christmas holiday haha!
Anyway, my sister and I managed to squeeze our Leeds shopping trip in eventually on Friday, so we spent the whole day there just shopping!! I managed to only buy a couple of actual things (by that I mean clothes), and they were in the sale too, yay: a dress and cardigan (that I’m wearing in this outfit post) from the sale, they were £9.99 each. Then I got a couple of nail varnishes, some AMAZING lipstick (I’ll tell you in a second), a bow and socks from American Apparel, and some knickers haha (well they were necessary…sort of!)

(Don’t ask what Beth’s face is about, I don’t know!) So these are just a few pics from Leeds from inside the arcades where there are lots of boutique-y type shops, they’re all pretty expensive but really nice to look in haha! There’s one amazing shop there called Rose and Co. which is full of pretty bath bomb things, lip balms, nice smelling things, and downstairs vintage/retro dresses (which are too expensive for me but soooo pretty =D). Here’s the front of it, with the dresses with amazing petticoats:

Just a couple more pics from Leeds before I get on to my outfit from today! One of my sister’s friend’s 18ths is coming up, and we’ve known her since they started school together, so they were like 3, and they’re still really good friends, so we’re all going to her party, but Beth wanted a new outfit for it, so we found her a nice purple velvet dress, and we looking for shoes when we came across these amazing ones in Schuh by Irregular Choice. They would have matched her dress perfectly, and I loved them too, so we were planning on buying them to share, but the size 5 which fitted me didn’t fit her, and they didn’t have a 6 so we couldn’t get them (they’re on my legs in the picture). They brought her some others which were cute (the second pic), but she didn’t like those as much.

Anyway, here’s some more photos of my outfit from today, complete with my new cardigan and bow =) Oh and lipstick! It’s
Barry M Touch of Magic. Yes, if you clicked the link, it’s green, and it turns pink =O!! My friend and I always used to test it on our hands because we were amazed by it, and I finally bought it! It seems to change every time I wear it, and it looked completely different on my sister, it was bright pink on her, but a deep pink nearly red on me! It’s pretty much just awesome =)
Bow Hair Clip: American Apparel
Snood (circle scarf): Republic
Cardigan: Zara (sale)
White Dress: Topshop
Red Tights: H&M
The next photo is kind of strange, my sister was telling me how to pose, and Ben decided he and the dog would like to be in the photo too, well at least it’s not your average outfit photo!!
This dress is another old rediscovery. Well, I’ve always loved this dress but I thought it was more of a dressy up thing, but I decided I wanted to wear it today so I did! My mum told me I looked like a little Victorian girl with the dress and the hair! Oh, you probably can’t tell but I had my hair done. I really wanted to go red, like orangey red, but my hair was too dark and it just has a reddy tinge, and it looks darker! I’m thinking of waiting a while then doing it myself.
I’m going to be back tomorrow, hopefully, with a post on the clothes I’ve picked for the 30 for 30 because it starts on Tuesday!! Is anyone else doing it??

beautiful skirt
Scrapbook de la Emma
I love those red tights with the white dress – so pretty!!! And those shoes by Irregular Choice – oh my goodness, so amazing!!
I do have a tip for your hair too! When I first dyed my hair red, it got really, really dark and didn’t look as red as I expected it to. The next time, I ended up having my hair lightened a bit (like 2-3 shades lighter) and then dyed over with red and toned. It made it so the color was the exact red I wanted. Of course, lightening your hair and then dying it again can be really damaging, but for me it was totally worth it!
Also, I love your dog in the one picture! He looks so confused as to what’s going on. :]]]
XO Michelle
Liking the red tights.
The shoes you wear are so amazing 🙂
xxx London & Paris