Day 13/30

I’m very behind on posting my outfits for the 30 for 30 at the moment, sorry! This one is all the way from Sunday if I’m right with my counting =S But don’t worry because I have all the outfits I’ve worn written down and prepared to be re-shot, but I did manage to get in pictures of my outfit today too, so I’m not too out of kilter (I hope!).
I’m back at home for the weekend now =) And I’m actually here till Monday night because I’ve been kind of ill this week and off to see the Doctor about it on Monday. I honestly don’t know what’s wrong though =/ For quite a while I’ve been feeling really rundown and just generally tired, and this week it’s got so much worse that I can barely do anything, I get dizzy everytime I stand up, and I actually blanked out 2 hours yesterday morning, thus missing uni, then when I walked to the bathroom I collapsed, cutting my arm on the door =(
Enough about my ailments now though! I didn’t really like this outfit much the first time round I wore it, but when I put it on again today to photograph it I changed my mind and really liked it, weird! I don’t know, I must have been in a different kind of mood today or something. I’ve been craving wearing pretty skirts and dresses recently though, I think I’m reaching that plateau of boredom with my 30 for 30 clothes, but going to push on through though, up to Day 18 now (random fact: it’s our 2 year 7 month anniversary today haha!).
Navy Cardigan: Zara
Red Dress (worn as at top): American Apparel
Blue Floral Skirt: H&M

I had something very exciting arrive in parcel form today (ok well it arrived a while ago but the post office stole it for a while grrrr), and I will be doing a post on it very soon, but it was really VERY exciting for me =D Also, I’ve seen a lot of bloggers doing the Friend Friday thing, and I didn’t get into it at the start although I did think about it, but I think I might start doing the questions now so expect that post later tonight =)
Oh and hello and thank you to all my new followers in the last couple of days, I really appreciate each and every one of you =)




  1. February 18, 2011 / 8:35 pm

    I hope you are feeling better now! I love the colors of this outfit! The florals in the skirt is so romantic!

  2. February 18, 2011 / 10:05 pm

    Hello! 🙂 I’m actually going to start doing the Friend Friday thing too… did my first post today. It’s fun. And that’s an adorable skirt!

  3. February 18, 2011 / 11:26 pm

    I really love your skirt! I can’t wait to see what’s in your package and hope you feel all better now! 🙂

    star-crossed smile

  4. February 19, 2011 / 2:24 am

    That skirt’s shape is so gorgeous! It’s totally perfect, and it goes so well with your outfit! I love it!

    Thanks for such a sweet comment and the follow! It made my day!


  5. February 21, 2011 / 12:00 am

    That skirt is too lovely!

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