Day 9/30 (6 days late =S)

More lateness again!! Now all I’ve got to catch up on is outfit 13, and today of course! But I’m not sure when this will be because I have a little surprise planned for tomorrow =D
The light in these pictures made them look very funny and blurry =( I switched the mode half way through my shoot which is why some have a more orangey glow, and some are a lot darker haha!
So this is actually a really quick post mainly composed of outfit photos, I don’t have a lot of time again because I’m weighed down with loads of work again, like pages and pages of Greek and Latin to translate, plus loads of Plato to read for tomorrow, not fun =(
Black Sheer Polka Dot Blouse: Primark via eBay
Black Waist Belt: Topshop
Red Skirt: Topshop
Sheer Black Back-Seamed Tights: M&S
Burgundy Bow Flats: New Look (sale)
And on a final note, I think I’ve finally found a good choir to join!! I’m hoping to be able to find out more about it this week and hopefully get an audition soon, so I’ll keep you updated. I don’t know if I mentioned before but I used to do a lot of singing with my choir at school, I did a few solos and whatnot, and I had singing lessons, but now I haven’t been able to find a good choir so I haven’t really been able to keep up with it, so I’m very excited about this!




  1. February 15, 2011 / 7:10 pm

    This is a very sweet little outfit, I especially love the red skirt ^_^

  2. February 15, 2011 / 8:22 pm

    this is a great outfit, love the punch of red. good luck with the choir!

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