I kind of forgot about my No Make Mondays yesterday, so I decided to change it to today, just for this week!! I know it’s not exactly every week I do one of these, but I can’t guarantee how much of a good day I’ll be having, there are just some days where I really have to put on at least a bit of make up!

I was thinking about my No Make Up Mondays, and I wondered if anyone else would be interested in submitting pictures of themselves not wearing any make up and I would feature them on No Make Up Mondays. What do you think? If I can get a few people to do it, that would be brilliant. Maybe with a little interview alongside it.
I don’t know about other people, but I think it really helps me to go out of my comfort zone and not wear make up every so often, just like I would do by going the other way and wearing heels instead of flats (notice I’m trying that out right now!!). I just think it helps to give me more confidence in myself as I am, not covered up, just so that in future I have the option to wear make up or not and not worry about it either way. So let me know if you’d be interested in submitting some photos and doing a little interview!


I love that dress, so pretty! I totally agree with you about Classics as well, when I started uni originally I was doing Classics but it just wasn’t what I was looking for from a course, so I switched over to archaeology, which I find so much more satisfying – I love the practical aspect of it. Your hairs looks totally gorgeous in the sun, the whole ombre look is totally growing on me xoxo
I feel EXACTLY the same about Classics essays! I love my poetry ones, but to have to regurgitate what everyone else has interpreted from it all instead of what I think is so frustrating sometimes! Good luck 🙂
Oh, and I’ll do your No Make Mondays thing too if you’d like, happy to submit pics and be interviewed! Just lemme know!
Sarah xx
Pretty dress! All the swap ladies who get to wear that one are going to be lucky. I really love the neckline, very alluring cut. And cute little dragon fly necklace! <3
And… I would be willing to submit some makeup-less photos and perhaps do an interview (I don’t think I’m that interesting but hey!) You can reach me at camoflage31 AT hotmail DOT come if you’re interested 🙂
i think i have told you this before but i truly admire you for doing make up free mondays and i think you look beautiful!
Fantastic pics! Superb dress! Like your blog! Follow you now, follow me?
You look beautiful with or without makeup! and i love that dress, the print is great!
Chic on the Cheap
Loving this dress and all the subtle colors in it and the wedges are so stylish and look sooo comfy! About the Classics: I happen to love them BUT I DO NOT LIKE WRITING ESSAYS! I think it would be much more beneficial to have a discussion! Afterall, essays are so 5th grade!
very cute! i love the pattern of the dress and how you paired tights and wedges withit!
love from San Francisco,
Such a great idea! I love the idea of No Makeup Mondays. However, I find it so hard to step outside my comfort one and take pictures without makeup! You are lucky you look so gorgeous without makeup lady!
I agree on not always have make up on. Funny thing is that I only wear make up for my blog photos, but on any regular day I usually am without out. I also flip flop from flats & heels, variety is key. I love your H&M dress, the print is just beautiful.
Cinderella’s Closet NYC
Aw you look great!!
I love your wedges! And your dress. And the fact that you could be Newcastle’s most stylish! ( I will be voting soon! )
Also, I am glad I am no longer part of that grinding process in Newcastle University’s English Department. The Robinson Library was my home for about 4 weeks of the year because I couldn’t bring myself to spread out my essay writing!
To be honest, I never wear make up on a day to day basis. Unless, like you said, I look in the mirror and want to cry! Or I know I have a dinner date after work. Most people don’t believe that I don’t wear any (even my 7 year old Korean students!), which I guess is a compliment, unless I just don’t look natural! haha. It would be nice to see lots of girls going natural on your no make-up Mondays. You already inspire girls to realise they don’t need make-up to look great. I’d love to help you promote this! Good luck on the work girl, it’s almost over!
Amy xx
me too i m always annoyed by the marking schemes- you have to pay attention to so many small details 🙁
ps) great platforms
such a pretty dress, you look great with no makeup on! i understand the annoying criteria – i’m doing a level english literature and it’s awful! xx
I never wear make up, almost ever really, And when I do is only lipstick so feel free to use some of my lipstick free photos if you go though with this idea!
I have that dress too! It’s one of my favourites. But it actually looks way bigger on me, I’m sure you’re a lot taller than me, I’m quite petite 😉 And you look so pretty without make up!