Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there =D Even though it’s almost not Father’s Day here, I’ve left my post a little late today (which actually means, the boyfriend was being cranky and wanted me to give attention to him rather than my blog so I had to wait until he’d gone home to post haha!). He did take my photos for me today, so I suppose he can have credit for that =)
I’m very confused as to what’s been happening with all my dresses recently – I swear they’ve all got at least 2 inches shorter =S This one for example seems scandalously short when I wear it, as do so many of my other dresses. I’m preeeetty sure I haven’t shrunk them in the wash (I think we wash too cold to shrink things, plus we don’t use a dryer), and I’m also sure I haven’t grown recently (in the last year at least), so what’s going on?! It’s dreadful because I cannot bend over at all without revealing everything!! I just don’t know what’s happened!

My fringe is an extremely awkward length at the moment, in between being short enough to cut across my forehead and long enough to be pushed to the side or clipped back. I was sort of planning on letting it grow out because I’ve had a fringe for a while now and I’m getting a bit bored of it, and also Ben said he liked me without a fringe, but it feels a bit funny without it, so I kind of don’t want to grow it out!! I’m going to the hairdressers for my free hair cut on Wednesday though so I’m going to ask their opinion then, but it might be too much hassle for when I’m in Florida growing it out, so I might wait until I get back. What do you all think anyway, fringe or no fringe?? (or ‘bangs’ to some of you!)

I have some really weird, kind of cranky faces going on in these photos, not sure why, but I loved the outfit. Today was one of those I-don’t-know-what-to-wear days, so I got dressed, then decided after an hour or so it wasn’t right, and got changed into this. I loveeee the sock and shoe combo, although both sets of my grandparents gave me some funny looks and comments when we saw them today haha! Also the above picture is supposed to be showing you my nails, but Ben didn’t zoom so you can’t seem them. They’re strawberries today!!
Ignore the TV in the background of the above photo haha! Couldn’t crop it out!! I’m wearing some new lipstick here =) I’ve been looking for a good orange-red corally colour for ages, but all the coral lipsticks I found had a glittery shimmer to them, and I wanted matte. I ended choosing one that wasn’t actually coral but I think called ‘Hot Chilli’. I really like the colour actually =)
Cardigan: Primark
Navy Dress: Zara
Socks: My mum’s old socks!!
Wedges: Primark

Great outfit, love the yellow socks with the dress 🙂 xx
that dress is absolutely adorable.
Great styling.
so cute!!
visit me!
I giggled at the fact that your boyfriend took your photos for you as I do the same with mine haha! I’m like “Can you do me a favour … :)” At first I’m very patient and then I start bossing him around, telling him what angle to take it from, etc haha 😛
I love the little yellow socks!
Natalie x
love your dress, Sian 🙂
thanks for following i would follow you too.
As if your shoes are primark, jealous! And they look so cute with the socks. The back of the dress is gorgeous too, I love your outfit! I forgot it was father’s day because I didn’t get reminded in Korea. Whoops. xxx
This dress is SO pretty, and looks lovely on you. I especially love the cut out in the back, too cute. Your yellow socks are perfect here
love the look!
lovely dress!
i love this outfit, the dress is so darn cute and looks even more adorable with your yellow socks and heels
Love the yellow socks!! The dress is proper lovely, I’m finding the exact same thing- everything seems to be a good few inches shorter than the last time I wore it! xx
Love the dress! its such a lovely style and print! x
That dress! Oh my goodness, it’s adorable! I have noticed that problem with some dresses as well — I wash all of my clothes cold (because I hate sorting by color!) and I let all my dresses hang dry. Maybe it’s just the fabric? Or maybe it’s something about bare legs! When I wear dresses in the winter, they always seems longer because I’m wearing tights… Either way though, I have noticed that a lot of my dresses seem much shorter than I remember!
XO Michelle
Locked Out
You know, I bet you’ve been so used to wearing maxis and having your legs covered that now the shorter hems seem extra super short.
I always get this “omg I’m naked!” feeling the first few times I morph away from the long skirts when warmer weather hits, and then by the end of summer I’m rocking the short skirts like nothing.
That or perhaps your bosom get bigger and it’s taking up the fabric? I know that sounds a bit funny but I noticed when I lost weight and my breasts got smaller just how much fabric those fleshy mounds were stealing from me.
I say let the fringe grow! I’ve grown mine out and I’m never going back. I love being able to just pull it off my face and tie it up in a pony tail with the rest of my hair if I want to. And my forehead gets barely any breakouts without hair sitting on it oiling the place up.
And I like the socks and shoes, super cute. And strawberry nails sounds awesome.
Goodness, this comment was book-length, I’m sorry!
That navy dress is just adorable! I love the bow in the front and the detail in the back! What a cute father’s day outfit! 🙂
cute socks…love the lemon yellow color 🙂
Love your dress! The print is great and the back looks lovely! Nice combo with the socks and shoes, too.
I think you look quite fantastic in this outfit! One of my favourites of yours so far. I love the dress and the yellow socks are the perfect detail.
I don’t have a fringe for a year and a half now, I like seeing myself with it but as I have wavy hair it was too much trouble to put it right so I grew it out.
That dress is perfection on you. You look stunning and the photos are lovely!