Greece Part 2: Oropos, Rhamnous and Delphi


Our first trip out of the city of Athens was about 6 days into our trip if I remember rightly, and I think most of you know how I don’t get on well with cities..and roads…and cars…and buses…and pretty much everything to do with cities except shops. So basically I was very excited about this day!! Our first stop was a lovely little drive away into the forest and mountains to the Amphiareion at Oropos. As you can see it was really pretty and smelled all foresty and wild minty so I was really happy =) The first photo is of the houses on the other side of the river there, and the second is the remains of the stoa in the sanctuary where people would come to sleep and be healed by having a dream of the god or an animal (snake or dog) who would lick them and they would be cured!

Next stop was the Temple of Nemesis and the fort at Rhamnous. It was a little walk to the Temple but we had a look around there, then we walked down this lovely (and quite dangerous!) way to the fort itself which you can see in the second picture. Another really beautiful site =) I think this day was one of my favourites because the places we went were so picturesque and pretty. Outfit above: Primark playsuit and awful (yet super comfy) sandals!
Another jumping photo =D We’re on the roof of the BSA here!! We discovered a pretty treacherous route up there from Nicola’s room by climbing up several ladders, then we realised there was a pretty easy staircase just at the other end of the corridor!! We had most of our evenings free to make or get our own food, so when we were in the BSA we mostly cooked for ourselves (cheaper and more fun!) then randomly hung out in places like the roof haha =)
Some of you may have noticed the dress I’m wearing here, the awesome Primark lemon print one. I really loved this every time I saw it but I’d tried one on in a different pattern but exactly the same and had problems with the fit (ie. impossible to get on but once on it fitted perfectly). In fact I bought one in another pattern only to discover as soon as I got it home it was ripped. But the day before I went to Greece we went to Wakefield and I bought the bag I have in Greece in H&M and in Primark I spotted this for £2 on the sale rail (in Primark?!) in my size. It was destiny. It is VERY difficult to get on and off, but I love it.
And another day trip out from Athens: Delphi. It was another super pretty site and so interesting. We started on the lower slopes (first photo) then walked up those, stopping half way for lunch, before walking up the upper slopes. It was quite hard work in the sun, but not the worst day for walking, hills and sun we had (despite Becca-Jane’s pre-warnings!). I managed to fall over this day, actually it was funny because we decided Becca-Jane should be the Sibyl (like a prophetess) and she predicted: “Waaaaa a great student will fall over!” Then I did – clearly I am a great student!!
As you can see there were super amazing views from the top. The first photo is looking out over the Temple of Apollo from the theatre. Can you imagine being sat in the theatre with that view behind the stage, amazing!! And the second photo here is our jazz hands!! Every time there was something exciting, Robert (our main tutor) would shout “Jazz hands!” and we’d all do them haha =D
I’m going out tomorrow for my 21st birthday meal with my family (only 5 days till my birthday!!) and I’m going to move some stuff up to Newcastle during the day so I’ve got a scheduled book review post for then. Next Greece post coming up next week includes Sounion, Eleusis and Corinth!
Oh by the way, you can see my second post up at Student Fashion Blog here.



  1. September 23, 2011 / 11:17 am

    These photos are amazing, I always wanted to visit Delphi (I studied Classics very briefly before switching over to archaeology) and you really do it justice with this post. Absolutely beautiful. Cannot wait to see the rest of the photos from your trip xo

  2. September 26, 2011 / 1:37 pm

    Oh wow, such awesome photos. It’s so awesome you got to go to these places! I’d feel like I’d gone back in time being there in such a different landscape.

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