I totally copied this outfit from Charlotte here, I’m going to have to stop copying her soon haha, I got the shoes she bought recently (in my last post) and I keep spying things on her blog I want, sorry Charlotte but you’re just too inspiring!! I actually tried on the exact dress she is wearing in that post in Zara when it first came out ages ago, but I tried it on in a size too big and came to the conclusion it just didn’t suit me. But when I saw Charlotte in it, and many other bloggers in very similar ones, I just decided I needed one myself. I searched everywhere and couldn’t find one I liked enough under £35, but when shopping with my sister, we popped into Dorothy Perkins and I saw this one for £22, or £17.60 with the 20% student discount. I didn’t even try it on, I just bought it.
The collar (idea stolen from Charlotte) is actually part of another top. In fact I must have a picture on my blog somewhere, I wore it for the 30 for 30 in February, see it here. Actually I spotted it in quite a few posts as I went back then, I think a remix may be coming up this weekend =D Anyway, I’ve been really wanting a detachable peter pan collar to wear with dresses like this for a while, and I’ve finally ordered one from eBay, so I’m very excited for that to arrive. But for the time being, this will do!
I’m really getting into wearing heels in the daytime. Surprisingly I’ve got less horn beeps and whistles from car windows when wearing heels, I’m not quite sure how that works. When I wore jeans (the horror!! Actually I’m getting into them this season!) and flats with a coat over all bundled up the other day, I got 2 horn beeps and a shout out of a window walking literally ten metres along the road from the bus stop to my house. One was a lorry and I nearly fell over the pavement it beeped so loudly!! I always feel silly making this complaint, like ‘All these men keep looking at me!!’ but honestly, it’s not the fact of how I look, it’s the fact that I am a young girl, usually in a skirt, by myself. And it’s that vulnerability they play upon. Yes if I was with my friends and we were all in heels and short skirts on a night out, fair enough, that really is asking for it. But no, I’m alone. But anyway, the heels wearing during the day is working really well so far! It’s giving me more confidence and I haven’t even fallen over yet, go me yaaaay!!
Collar (part of top): Republic
Red Dress: Dorothy Perkins
Belt: Primark
Tights: M&S
Wedges: New Look
Wedges: New Look
Yay, it’s the weekend finally!! I’m starting to feel poorly again today, sore throat and funny head so I’m glad I’ve got some time to rest. I slept so awfully last night, having all sorts of nightmares which is probably why I don’t feel so good today but I wish I knew why I keep getting so run down like this. It’s getting more and more frequent recently, I can barely go a week without having a day where I can hardly do anything. And I can’t afford days like that now!! Anyway, enough complaining now, I’ll be back soon with that remix!!
love the dress, the collar looks brilliant with it! Your hair is still looking great with the pink bits too 🙂 xx
You look lovely in this colour, such a fun outfit. I hate getting beeped at by men in vans, you’re totally right about some people only doing it to make you nervous. Occasionally you get some arse who does it at night, arg! Have a good weekend xo
The dress is gorgeous, what a fab idea to add the collar, it looks amazing with it. And red is great on you!
The red dress is perfect with the black and I love the cream collar!!
Come enter my Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway!
Wow, you look amazing Sian! Really! Va-va-voom. This dress looks killer on you. Sorry to hear you’re having some not-so-good days, hopefully you feel better soon and you have a good, restful, cozy weekend.
These are great photos. You look lovely, and I adore the collar. But now I have to Google lorry and find out what on earth that is. A cab?
Oh, it’s a semi-truck. It sounds too elegant for a semi-truck. I was picturing a trolly for some reason.
Isn’t English strange? As if we didn’t already have the biggest vocabulary of any language, with all the redundancies, we have different words in England, American, Australia, etc. We even have different words in different places in American. It’s crazy. I do kind of love it though.
Your dress is so pretty, and I love your shoes 🙂
such a pretty look! Thanks for leaving the sweet comment on my blog, I totes appreciate that!
Following your blog too 😀 x it’s amazing!!
I always get inspired by other blogger’s outfits, especially Charlotte & Annebeth from Styling Dutchman 🙂 I feel so bad for wearing almost the exact same thing as they did, but if it looks good, why not? As long as you have outfits of your own too of course. Love your dress! and the collar is adorable 🙂 xo
ahh I feel so special that I inspired you! you look fab :]]
Charlotte x