When things go right

I’ve done something pretty awesome in my opinion today – I’ve finally worked out how to take good photos with my camera!! Yes, after having it for nearly 3 months I’ve only just worked it out, and I still haven’t got it completely figured out, but I’m on my way!! 
Ben’s parents gave me a 75-300mm zoom lens for my birthday and I hadn’t really had a chance to use it yet because I assumed I could only really use it for far away things, like when I was in Greece and wanted to take a picture of a far away temple or something. But no, I’ve discovered I can use it in everyday outfit posts, and it gives better results than my normal one!! It took some figuring out and a lot of blurry photos trying to get the manual focus right, but I got a few good ones in the end and I can’t wait to practise this a bit more =)
You’ve probably (ahem…definitely) noticed that I’ve put some of the blurry photos in here…I just thought some of them looked good like that anyway!! I mean I know they’re not perfect but they have a sort of artisticness right?! Just pretend it was intentional…maybe I shouldn’t even have mentioned it and you would have all assumed it was intentional and I’m just super artistic (I’m not, my sister is!). But some of the are intentional, I promise, just not the ones where my face is blurred and my body isn’t, I’m working on that…
This outfit came together a lot better than I planned! I usually think out my outfits in my head the night before, but last night I didn’t think one up, so this morning I walked into my spare room, opened the still only half unpacked suitcase and saw this skirt on top of the pile of clothes within. I then chided myself for forgetting about this perfect autumn skirt – it’s maroon/wine coloured and cord, perfect!! Plus it’s heavy enough to stay down in the wind!! Then I opened the wardrobe and just picked this blouse out, and tada! It worked =D I also had a massive root through my tights box and came across these old woollen tights. It only seemed natural to put my amazing new wedges with the outfit =)
As I mentioned before, I totally copied Charlotte with these wedges after seeing her look absolutely stunning in this post. I actually wore them on Monday when I went into uni, then ran half way home in the pouring rain in them. I can therefore say with all honesty that they are very comfortable, even when running home in the rain. When I saw Charlotte in them, I wondered if they would be just too high for me to wear as day time shoes, I thought I’d wobble everywhere in them, but no! They’re really comfortable and so easy to walk in, no numb toes or blisters!! I love them =D 
I’m so sorry for the massive overload of photos in this post but I loved a lot of them and couldn’t choose between them, so there are far too many, and mostly blurry, but I don’t care =P Right, I’d better be getting on with work now, I’m a little more up to date with my workload now, and over the weekend I should manage to get myself ahead in the translations so that I’ll have less work on an evening now and more time for dissertation reading, seriously I don’t know how other people have time to go out, I translate all day every day and when I get spare time I do blogging, need to fit dissertation in there somewhere!!
Grey Cardigan: New Look
Polka Dot Blouse: Primark (via eBay)
Belt: Primark
Cord Skirt: American Apparel
Woollen Tights: So old I can’t remember!
Wedges: New Look




  1. October 20, 2011 / 4:30 pm

    I love your skirt! the colour is beautiful!


  2. October 20, 2011 / 4:32 pm

    Cute! You might want to change the F-stop on your lens. Don’t know what you used when you took these pictures, but if you set it higher, it’ll get more parts of the picture in focus. Like your head. 😉

    Polka dots are stylin’ right now…I’m wearing them in my next post. You look swell!

  3. October 20, 2011 / 5:16 pm

    I adore the colour of that skirt, the shape is so cute on you too 🙂

  4. fashionsastranger
    October 20, 2011 / 6:20 pm

    I absolutely love this outfit Sian. It’s perfect! I’m glad you’re enjoying your new lens! The pictures are lovely xxx

  5. October 20, 2011 / 6:21 pm

    I love this outfit on you, you look beautiful. That skirt is such a lovely colour, and the daintier blouse creates a lovely distinction between the fabrics. Those wedges are gorgeous as well xo

  6. October 20, 2011 / 6:34 pm

    Hehe, I love the outit Sian, and actually I really like the blurred quality to some of your photos – it gives them a real sense of atmosphere x

  7. October 20, 2011 / 7:25 pm

    Great outfit, I love your skirt x

  8. October 21, 2011 / 4:03 am

    Ohhh yes, working out the focus on new lenses is so hard! I recently got a Nikon D3100 and a wide angle lens and zoom lens to go with it and am really struggling to take good photos because the focus is hard.
    Love the rich autumny shades you’re wearing, so pretty 🙂

  9. October 21, 2011 / 12:06 pm

    thanks for the comment sweetheart! kisses, Kasia:)

  10. October 21, 2011 / 3:49 pm

    love the combination of the burgundy with the b&w dots!
    liked your blog, check out mine someday!

  11. October 21, 2011 / 5:33 pm

    Of course I will follow u! I love your shoes! Where did you bought it??

  12. October 21, 2011 / 5:42 pm

    Great outfit! And good that you’re finally getting the hang of your new lens. I should think about picking myself up some of these wedges too…

  13. October 21, 2011 / 8:58 pm

    Beautiful skirt, good choice of color!!


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