Tutorial: How To Rag Curl Your Hair

Eeps, my first video blog (or apparently it’s vlog!!). When I did this post with my rag curled hair the other day, a lot of you said that you’d be interested in me doing a tutorial of how to do it because it’s a nice alternative to using heat on your hair (which I never really do anyway, apart from every so often drying my hair with a hair dryer), and it seems to stay in my hair a lot longer than it ever has when I’ve tried it with a curling iron.
So here goes! Here is my video =D I’m sorry for my weirdness and possible awkwardness, but I don’t think it turned out that badly!! (Except for the fact that I didn’t think about the focus on my camera, and so when I pressed the record button and ran around the front of the camera, it had already focused on the butterfly in the edge of the frame, so I’m blurry, but sshhh!! Just pretend it’s a bad quality camera or something…which it’s not…but sshhh!!) The music in the middle is Just For Tonight by One Night Only – it took me forever to choose a song to match the video, and where this one cut off worked out perfectly! Plus, One Night Only are a very local band to me at home, and I knew George Craig from school and Ben knew all the others at his school, so yeh, supporting local bands haha =D Even though they’re not really doing anything now, George Craig did model for Burberry a couple of years ago, but never mind!!

Oh and while we’re here, please could any of you lovelies vote for me in this Missguided competition? I know I always ask you to vote for me in things, but pleeease?? You just need to like the page and vote for me (mine is: Drop Dead Gorgeous In The Leaves). Thank you =)

And without further ado, the video!!




  1. November 29, 2011 / 10:52 pm

    I have wanted to try this style for awhile now. Your video made it seem really easy. PS love your accent!

    Stop by & enter my giveaway!

  2. November 30, 2011 / 8:02 pm

    Thanks for the vote, dear, I returned the favor!! 😀 Good luck!!!

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