This is Christmas Present Number 1: new dress! I saw this dress on ASOS a couple of months ago, but at £75 it was a bit pricey and a little bit fancy, but I thought I might as well put it on my Christmas wishlist, just in case. So I was surprised on Christmas Day to open a soft squishy parcel and find this inside!! Of course I had to put it on right away as I do with all new clothes and decided it was perfect for that very day – originally I planned to wear my Christmas Eve shoes with it but it was a bit dark and gothic then, not very festive, so I sparkled it up a bit with an old silver belt (backwards) and my favourite red shoes which don’t get enough wear.

My family are always wary of buying me clothes as presents, even though I tell them year in year out that I’d love them too – I always think that they buy me things that I wouldn’t necessarily pick up myself, but once I put them on I love them, so it’s really nice. This year they actually did go ahead and buy me a dress not on my wishlist and I adore it!! Possibly even more than the dress in this post!! I wore that one on Boxing Day for the Pantomime we went to, but I didn’t get any photos of it, but don’t worry, I’ll definitely be wearing it again soon!!
Lace Midi Dress: ASOS (Christmas present)
Belt: Topshop
Tights: M&S
Shoes: Melissa Anglomania for Vivienne Westwood
So above is what my sister wore on Christmas Day, or some of it at least!! The Christmas jumper is vintage and was a bit itchy, so she didn’t wear it all day!! So we started the day as we always do: my sister and I woke up and opened our stockings which include some chocolate coins, an orange, a little wind-up torch and lip balm. We then went downstairs where our main presents await us in big Christmas bags in the living room and we opened our presents, and shared presents with our mum and dad. The rest of the presents from other family have to wait until after lunch because at this point my dad has to go into work (he has to check the freezers in the bakery, shift some stuff into other freezers and check on the CCTV and everything, poor him in work on Christmas Day!!), while we finished up the lunch. My grandparents from my mum’s side came round this year so we had lunch and went for a Christmas walk with them (as we do every year!).
(My stocking on the cat…)
This year I also popped round to Ben’s grandparents’ house where he’d spent the day. He usually comes round to ours in the afternoon, but I went to see them before taking him back. He also has a baby cousin, Billy, who’s also just learning to walk! You can see him opening his present from Ben and me here; we got him a baby walker and he loved it =D And look at those eyes!! He has the biggest, most beautiful eyes ever!! He’s half Thai and they’ve just taken him back to Thailand for his first visit, and because his mother is Buddhist and because of his age, he’s had his head shaved. He’ll have it done again at 16 too.

I was so lucky to get lots of lovely presents: as well as my two dresses, from my parents I got some over the knee socks, 2 DVDs, lots of books (as always!), chocolates, a polariser filter etc. From my sister I got a little Greek ornament (yay!), chocolate. Ben gave me a yoga kit and DVD, another DVD, a Canon camera case and a lemon juicer!! And I got other lovely things like soap, Amazon vouchers, New Look vouchers and more chocolate!! So a fantastic Christmas really!!
At the moment, I’m still pretty ill =( My cold sort of went away, then came back a bit and has now transfigured itself into a throat and ear infection, so I’m a little bit miserable right now! I’m very reluctant to go to the Doctors, especially because it’ll be so busy and full of illness right now but if the ear infection doesn’t start to get better I’m going to have to go. Well hopefully I’ll be feeling better soon and ready to do some proper outfit posts. I managed to put a nice outfit and make up on today, then tripped over and hurt my knee and got all miserable about my ear hurting then started crying and ruined it all!! Never mind!!

omg! the shoes are beautiful!
Such a beautiful dress, sounds like a fabulous Christmas you lucky lady!
Great dress and AMAZING shoes!
adorable pics, great outfit………thanks for sharing……….xx
I’m sorry you’re still feeling so under the weather. That dress is amazing, and it looks gorgeous on you. Those shoes are killer, I can see why they’re your favourite, you should definitely wear them more.