I don’t think I should bother apologising again for disappearing since it’s all I seem to do, and I think you probably all know from my moaning why I’ve been missing: uni, wedding, exams are just a few of the reasons!!
It was my uncle and my now-aunt’s wedding at the weekend, and my sister and I were bridesmaids for Karen along with her sister, so I spent all morning on Saturday at Karen’s parents’ house getting ready for the wedding, and the rest of the day being a bridesmaid and taking photos!! It was a really amazing day – since I was a bridesmaid when I was 2 (twice actually!), I haven’t been to any weddings except for ones I’ve sung at, so I haven’t really ever experienced the wedding reception – but it was so much fun!! I got to see a lot of my family, some who I haven’t seen in a long time, like a group of family from Guernsey including my ‘not-quite’ cousin Grace – our family is really confusing because the generations run really weirdly – my dad’s cousins are my age!! So I got to see all these not-quite cousins, including a couple, Aimee and Katy who live pretty near me at home but I barely get to see anymore, despite us all being friends when we were little. We also had my aunty and uncle from Canada to stay with us over the weekend. So it was a really fun night – pictures to come, don’t worry!! Then the Sunday we spent recovering (not that I drank much anyway, I’m not a big drinker at all), then at my grandparents’ house because they had a ‘strawberry party’ for all the family. That was again lovely, but Ben and I had to leave early to come back to Newcastle because I had an exam on Monday.
So yeh, busy weekend and straight into exams yesterday and today. The one today, I literally only had last night and this morning to revise for, meaning I stayed up until about 1am revising then got up at 7am to carry on until the exam at 2pm. I think they have alright so far though, but I don’t like to make judgements on how they went, I never have!!
Sunglasses: Primark
Dress (with belt): c/o Funky Divaa (similar here)
Sandals: Greek Market (similar here)
UK people, did you notice something weird today?? The sun!! Okay, we’ve had sun recently but it’s been that chilly sun still – today it was hot, like actually hot. Apparently it was up to 26*c!! Seriously, yesterday I was in jeans, a long sleeved top, a jumper, coat and scarf – today I got too hot in this dress!! I originally put a cardigan over the top thinking it would be chilly sun, but got outside and took it off straight away!! Then after my exam and these photos, I ended up changing into a vest top and shorts, no matter how much I love this dress, the sleeves were too much for today!!
I was asked by Funky Divaa to pick out some items, and thinking about the fact that I’ll be a teacher soon (eek!), I’ve decided to start looking at things that’ll be appropriate for that but still fun – and this fit the bill. It’s knee length but still got an awesome print. I think with a blazer over the top, it’ll be pretty good for teaching! I’m loving Aztec print at the moment, I didn’t think it was something I’d get into, but it turns out I’ve already got my hands on a few Aztec print things – I can think of 2 dresses I got a while ago that I haven’t yet blogged, or even really worn yet properly because I’m saving them for Summer! I’ve actually got a lot of new stuff recently, I’ve had two shopping trips, one with Ben, one with friends, and also ordered a couple of things from Matalan, so I’ve got so many things to show you!!
I love the dress! It looks stunning on you!
Good luck with the rest of your exams 🙂
That dress really really suits you! Love it! I love aztec prints and the colour is lovely :)! You’ll deffo be a cool teacher :D! Great photos too! xx
Such a fun dress – I really adore the bright colors and print. Adding that adorable bow belt is such a cute touch!
I love the print on your dress- it’s so cute! Also, congratulations to your uncle on getting married! 😀
I love this dress on you! I hope you’re doing okay being so busy! It’ll all be over soon!
Love you!
Charlotte x
This is such a cool dress! I love it! And it sounds like you had a fun weekend! good luck with your exams!
<3Chelsea Elizabeth