Workwear with Florals

OOTD, outfit of the day, pink blazer, black floral dress, studded boots
OOTD, outfit of the day, pink blazer, black floral dress, studded boots
I never managed to post many workwear outfits when I was teaching, and unfortunately I’ve been going the same way again with my new job! I’ve finally managed to get a picture of an actual outfit I wore to work that looks somewhat smart too. It feels weird to me working at Bronco because it’s very casual, meaning I could wear jeans and a T shirt every single day if I wanted to. As you know, I don’t want to! Although there have been a few days where that’s been exactly what I’ve worn! I like to try and keep it a bit smart though, because if I can’t dress up a bit at work, where can I? I’ve also decided that I much prefer wearing heels at work – for some reason it makes my legs ache a lot less when I’m sitting at a computer all day if I’m wearing heels…don’t ask me why! You would have thought it was the other way round, wouldn’t you?! So anyway, heeled boots are perfect because they don’t look too over the top. I’m now on the lookout for perfect mid-heels to wear at work that I can wear when I take a pretty precarious path to walk into town and don’t look over the top, but are high enough to make my legs not ache when I’m sat still all day!
OOTD, outfit of the day, pink blazer, black floral dress, studded boots
OOTD, outfit of the day, pink blazer, black floral dress, studded boots
Pink Blazer: Primark (similar here…I love this one!!)
Floral Dress: Primark (similar here)
Heeled Boots: Tesco Clothing (similar here)
The dress is one I bought when I went shopping with my sister a few weeks ago. It was the only thing I actually bought in Primark, despite going into the changing room with my arms full. I did like a few other things but didn’t know how much wear I would get out of them, so it was just this one. You can’t tell because of the blazer, but it has a slightly baggy 90s feel to it. The waist is almost dropped, which is something I didn’t really think would suit me, but I think I can just about pull it off!
I have some more exciting news today by the way! Ben and I have decided to move house! We put down the deposit on a property this morning! We’re still renting for now, but it’s a lot bigger than our house now – it has three bedrooms!! A master, a double and a single, plus a big kitchen, a big living room that we’re planning to use as a living area at one end and dining room at the other, and a separate small downstairs room we plan to use as a….wait for it…..don’t tell Ben I’ve decided to call it this….library!!! It’ll really be more of a tiny snug with book shelves and will in reality mostly hold Ben’s cookbooks since most of my books are on Kindle now, but in my head it will be a library =D I’ll be so sad to leave this house because it’s been our first real home and so lovely, but I travel around 30 miles to work at the moment, and Ben could be further away one day, so it’ll be much easier for us there. Plus we are so close to home where the new house is!! At the moment we’re around 50 miles away from where we grew up, but the place we’re moving to will be only 20 miles away, and no more than 7 miles away from my grandparents! We’re moving ‘back home’ in my eyes which is nice but kind of weird!!
OOTD, outfit of the day, pink blazer, black floral dress, studded boots
OOTD, outfit of the day, pink blazer, black floral dress, studded boots




  1. April 3, 2013 / 7:50 pm

    Love this look on you, it really suits you !

  2. April 3, 2013 / 7:57 pm

    Love the dress, and congrats on the new place 🙂 x

  3. April 3, 2013 / 9:18 pm

    Very cute! I just posted my work outit for my first day working for the Government! Go us ;p xx

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