Disney Princesses

Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
You might remember (or might not, it was a while ago now!!) that I went to Disneyland Paris with some friends back in April – I know, I am that far behind right now! You’ve met Charley a few times before on the blog, who is dressed as Ariel in this post, and Melissa is her friend from uni who is another Disney fanatic and dressed as Tiana. And of course, there is also me dressed as Rapunzel. I’m hoping you worked those out already though! Another of Charley’s friends from uni also joined us later into the week because she unfortunately couldn’t make it at the start – hence the reason we need to return to Disney (Florida or California this time maybe?!) so we can have the whole time together! We had it planned for months before we left that we would have a Minnie day and a Princess day, so here you’ve got our princess pictures 🙂 I apologise for the number of pictures (actually I don’t because they’re mostly of my beeeautiful princess friends!). We obviously had to have a photo shoot worthy of Disney princesses and basically spent a whole morning around a couple of the Disney hotels taking these pictures and getting lost in the grounds trying to find the pavillion!
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
So Charley as Ariel is up first – how amazing is the bow in her hair by the way?! Don’t you think it matches the skirt perfectly? You should do, because she made it from extra material from the skirt!! So creative! And of course, she decided to be human Ariel, but since that outfit isn’t so iconic, she wasn’t as recognisable as Melissa and I were in our outfits, meaning that when we met Rapunzel (yes, we met Rapunzel on the day I was dressed as her!!), she hesitated over who she was. Clearly more people need to rewatch The Little Mermaid! Charley also makes an amazing Merida, she even has the Scottish accent down to a tee – we have it on video to prove it!
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Melissa is, of course, Tiana 🙂 The tiara that she’s wearing here belongs to Charley, and just look at how perfectly princess-like it looks amongst her curls – why can’t my hair look like that?! Melissa has worked at Disney a couple of times (I know!) in Florida and Paris, so knows aallll the Disney cast member secrets 😀 I’m not going to share any here though because I don’t want to ruin the magic for anyone, although it didn’t ruin it at all for us, just made it all the more exciting. She was also awesome at spotting hidden Mickeys, which is one of my favourite things to do when in Disney, as well as always winning on Buzz Lightyear every time (except once, when I won!! I know, I couldn’t believe it either!!).
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
And here’s me, of course 🙂 Charley did my hair in a fishtail braid for me for my outfit with the floral wreath braided into it. I am so useless at doing anything at all with my hair, so I was really glad she could work something with it! By the end of the holiday, I’d got so jealous of her tiara though that I’d bought one myself, oops! My Rapunzel dress is a Matalan one, worn with the old trusty Zara cardigan for a bit of warmth and an old pair of Primark ballet flats to try to look as close to bare feet as possible! You probably can’t tell but I also had fake eyelashes on this day – they were very minimal ones again, just to give a little bit of a princessy look! As I mentioned, we met Rapunzel this day, so it was ridiculously exciting considering that we’d queued in the Princess Pavilion for more than an hour not knowing which Princess we would meet, only to find out it was one we’d dressed as!
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Because we are so cool, we had to do some photos where we were representing our princesses. In case it’s not clear: Charley is swimming (under the sea!), Melissa is being a frog (because, obviously, it’s Princess and the Frog) and I’m leaning out of my tower for Melissa to climb up my hair (Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!).
Some general comments on Disney though, we had an amazing time. We spent plenty of time in the parks, enough time to see each parade, to see the fireworks and castle show twice (which was just amazing), do pretty much every ride and show at least once, and eat plenty of food! That’s another story entirely because we were so excited about all the different places to eat. Our favourites of the trip were definitely Rainforest Cafe, where we shared a giant volcano dessert; Walt’s (although Charley was a poorly bean that night 🙁 ); and the Lucky Nugget, where we ended up going twice. Of course, it’s not the healthiest of places to eat, so having returned Ben and I are supposed to be eating healthy foods and doing the 30 Day Shred…yehh, that’s not really working 😀
Hope you’ve enjoyed our princess pictures – I know there are lots, but it’s Disney, we’re princesses, you can forgive me! Have a magical day!!
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel
Disney Princesses Tiana, Ariel, Rapunzel

Linking up at Pleated Poppy, Style Elixir, My Greatest Hits, Transatlantic Blonde



  1. June 20, 2013 / 8:18 pm

    haha yeeeeah I love this post! Although slightly mortified at my photos – though I do LOVE the one of me and melissa dancing – can you send me it? I don’t think it made it to fb? MISS YOU SUPER LOADS! xxxxx

  2. June 21, 2013 / 6:13 am

    These are gorgeous pictures and so much fun! x

  3. June 21, 2013 / 3:26 pm

    Oh my wow, how amazing is this?! Brilliant post my dear, the pictures are AWESOME, so much fun! You guys are fantastic! ^^ Bravo!

    Liana x
    Dress Code Chic

  4. June 21, 2013 / 4:55 pm

    This is awesome! Where’s your purple dress and cardigan from? They’re stunning! xx

  5. June 21, 2013 / 8:17 pm

    What a fun post! That green skirt is adorable!! Great looks ladies:)

  6. Anonymous
    June 23, 2013 / 5:30 am

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