I keep saying this, but these topics are difficult! World Kindness Day shouldn’t be too difficult to write about, but it is! I haven’t had an opportunity to do anything unusually kind today, or to organise something beforehand, such as donating some books or something. I did donate something for something, but it’s not something I can share on here in case it ruins it for anyone – wow, that sounds cryptic, but that’s kind of the point!
Why do we have a World Kindness Day anyway though? Shouldn’t we be kind every day? I know what Ben will say if he reads this: I should be kind to him and not spend the evening working on my laptop as I usually do and spend time with him! But I’ve actually been out with some friends for tea, so he’ll have to get his evening another time! Instead, maybe we should just make an effort to be kind and recognise kindness everyday. For example, random things like getting something off the top shelf in a supermarket or giving a person directions happen every day, and they’re kind. I suppose today’s the day that you’re supposed to go out of your way to do something. Let me know if you do any random acts of kindness today.
And enjoy the sneak peek of some proper photos I had done by a real photographer (as opposed to me, Ben or my sister!). The photographer is Ben’s sister’s boyfriend who needed a fashion photo for his exam, and decided I would be the perfect person for the job (maybe only because I’m willing to wander the woods in heels and brightly coloured tights!). Anyway, the rest are to come soon, but here’s a sneaky peek at one of them 🙂
Completely agree with you my dear, Wold Kindness Day should be everyday hehe! ^^ Maybe it’s just a form of recognising it and making us more aware of the fact that we should be like this every single day.
Love the sneak peak of your outfit, can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures! ♥
Liana x
Dress Code Chic