Christmas Day?!

british style blog, floral dress, cardigan, heels
ootd, floral dress, cardigan, heels
As always, I’m late…yep, this outfit is all the way from Christmas day! In recent years on Christmas, my routine has been to wake up at home with my sister, then spend the morning opening presents, help my mum prepare lunch, eat, go for our ‘Christmas walk’ then head over to Ben’s grandparents where his family are spending the day to see them all for a couple of hours, before heading home again to finish present opening and see any other relatives (namely one set of my grandparents) who sometimes come over. This year was pretty much that except my grandparents didn’t come round, so a busy day!! I usually choose a pretty dress to wear too on Christmas day, and again, this year was no exception. It’s one I’ve worn before, but I knew I just needed something simple and easy to wear for all the rushing around!
british fashion blog, floral dress, cardigan heels
uk style blog, floral dress, cardigan, heels
Cardigan: ASOS
Dress: Primark
Heels: ASOS
I’ve got a post all scheduled to go on my goals/resolutions for the New Year, and I seem to have done all my writing there, I’m almost out of things to say, who would have guessed?! I’m back at work now post operating and feeling so much better – for those who are interested, the anaesthetic apparently barely affected me at all. I was wide awake almost as soon as I came round and didn’t have that semi-conscious for a couple of hours state you usually get. Obviously things were very sore afterwards (this is what I had done if you want to know!) for a couple of days, but a lot less painful than I’d expected and went away a lot quicker than I expected too, so that was pretty awesome.
So yeh, I’m back at work, did pilates on Monday and bought a new oven glove yesterday because Ben burnt our last one to smithereens. I know, sounds like something I would do right?! But it wasn’t me! He left it on the hob which had apparently not sufficiently cooled down enough yet. We opened the door into the kitchen to be confronted by a wall of smoke, so being me I went into survival safety mode and as Ben doused the oven glove with water then threw it out the door (burning himself in the process), I barricaded myself into the snug (next door to the kitchen) with blankets around the doorframe and windows wide open. Yes okay, it wasn’t a fire and I didn’t really need to do that, but the smoke was pretty horrific…worse than the time my pizza got accidentally burnt (not quite to smithereens this time) at book club, but that’s another tale.
uk fashion blog, floral dress, cardigan, heels
outfit of the day, floral dress, cardigan, heels


  1. January 15, 2014 / 9:27 pm

    What a lovely dress, very pretty and I love how you’ve made it festive with black tights and a red cardi. Hope you’re well!

  2. Anonymous
    August 7, 2014 / 10:48 am

    I really love your outfit 🙂

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