This is a fairly basic outfit for me, I have to say! I wore this twice actually and only photographed it the second time. The first was to the theatre to see a local musical production put on by the youth theatre in my area with my family and mum’s friends; the second time was out to the local pub for Ben’s cousin’s 3rd birthday. These are actually taken with a different camera to usual – this is Ben’s camera that he bought for Florida. Don’t ask me what it is, because I have no idea! But I know that it does some fancy WiFi thing where it connects to your phone and you can use the phone as a remote that shows if everything is in the frame – pretty cool! So they’re not quite as good as ones with my camera, but pretty good anyway.
The shoes are the only new thing in this outfit – they’re from Yull, a relatively new company that prides itself on being one of the only shoe brands that manufactures in Britain and promotes “style over fashion”, both of which I’m trying to incorporate into what I wear this year. The shoes kind of remind me of pencils with the colour scheme, and that can’t really be a bad thing in my books, are really comfortable, a good heel height, and have the Union Jack on the sole, look!
The jeans are my go-to jeans nowadays. I’m not a big fan of Hollister in general, but do occasionally have a look in when we’re on holiday in America. When we were in New England last year, we happened to hit the shops just as all the sales were on, so I managed to get these jeans along with a few other things for myself and Ben really cheap. I think the jeans were like $25 down from about $80 or something – they’re nearly £50 to buy in the UK, so it was a pretty amazing deal! Plus they fit perfectly, being just tight enough on the legs and high rise on the waist. I did try to find them again in Hollister when we were just in Florida but the only ones I found that were similar were really weird – I tried on the same size as these, but they were far too small on the waist and really baggy on the legs despite being called “super skinny” – weird!
I had a fairly busy weekend recently – the sun has finally made an appearance in the north, as I’m sure you all know by now. My mum and dad called on Saturday and offered to take me down to York with them since I was at home by myself because Ben works Saturdays, so we went to have a wander round the centre and looked at the new retail park at Monks Cross. Then on Sunday we had our friends Charley and Frankie round – we were planning to go to Ben’s shop since they’d been having an open day (over 4 days?!), but we ended up taking too long to cook BBQ and hang out in the sun that we decided not to go. Charley and I went through my whooooole wardrobe, emptying it, getting rid of things and refilling it, so I’m now starting to list the best things (which I’m so sad to get rid of!) on ASOS Marketplace, so take a look! I think we managed to rid me of about 150 items of clothing, crazy! And finally on Monday I had the girls round for book club, pizza and pasta, which was lovely as always, and I managed to persuade them to take some of my clothes away!
Love the shoes, just taken a look on their website and now eyeing up the chelsea boot 🙂
Cute shoes! Love the colours in this look. P x