Tis the Season Jumper: New Look | Tartan Dress (worn as a skirt): Memade (via Great British Sewing Bee book) | Tartan Hair Bow: ASOS
Today at work, we decided to take part in Christmas Jumper Day (#ChristmasJumperDay) for Save the Children UK, so of course I had to choose a jumper to wear! We were doing it under the name TEAMBRONCO (which you can text to 70050 to donate £2 if you like!) and had a few things going on all day, such as Thomas the Baker who donated some Mince Pies, Tipsy Imps and Chocolate Truffles to us to help raise money. Hannah and I went round the Business Park that Bronco’s situated on collecting donations and handing out yummy festive goodies to those that wanted them. They went down really well, and when we totalled up the amount that people had paid for those, plus our text donations and the amount from the “Guess what Christmas Jumper Jon Snow is wearing” sweepstake competition, it came to £114.07 in total! It was also really fun for us all to don our Christmas jumpers at work and get a bit more into the festive spirit! Oh, and that sweepstake competition I mentioned? I won! £15, all in pound coins! Everyone thought it was pretty funny when they revealed the Christmas Pudding under the sticker that I had guessed it to be and I exclaimed: “Yayy, I never win anything!”.
We all had individual pictures taken to share on social media, then one of the whole team too later in the day. So I decided I might as well use mine as blog photos! I’ve had a few “Christmassy” jumpers in the past, but never actually bought a proper Christmas Jumper before, so when I heard we were doing it, I went and bought one straight away, then regretted it because I’d been wanting to wear it every day since then, but didn’t want to ruin the day by wearing it beforehand! I got this one from New Look, where fortunately I had just the right amount left on a gift card to use to buy it, so it didn’t even feel like spending money. I’d initially just thought about wearing it with jeans, but wanted to be a bit more interesting. I was actually intending to wear my green tartan mini skirt, but I couldn’t find it, so ended up wearing my handmade tartan dress as a skirt instead. I also thought it was the perfect excuse to wear my new ASOS tartan hair bow, so I was pretty tartan-ed up today!
And on a final note, here’s our full team sporting their Christmas Jumpers – it took us ages to get a picture as it was dark and the lighting in the office wasn’t great, so Hannah and I are kind of disappearing a bit at the back!

We all had individual pictures taken to share on social media, then one of the whole team too later in the day. So I decided I might as well use mine as blog photos! I’ve had a few “Christmassy” jumpers in the past, but never actually bought a proper Christmas Jumper before, so when I heard we were doing it, I went and bought one straight away, then regretted it because I’d been wanting to wear it every day since then, but didn’t want to ruin the day by wearing it beforehand! I got this one from New Look, where fortunately I had just the right amount left on a gift card to use to buy it, so it didn’t even feel like spending money. I’d initially just thought about wearing it with jeans, but wanted to be a bit more interesting. I was actually intending to wear my green tartan mini skirt, but I couldn’t find it, so ended up wearing my handmade tartan dress as a skirt instead. I also thought it was the perfect excuse to wear my new ASOS tartan hair bow, so I was pretty tartan-ed up today!
And on a final note, here’s our full team sporting their Christmas Jumpers – it took us ages to get a picture as it was dark and the lighting in the office wasn’t great, so Hannah and I are kind of disappearing a bit at the back!

That is the cutest sweater and I love the double plaid! x
Tegan xx – Permanent Procrastination