I’ve been a little bit missing in action for a while, mostly because of the yucky weather and dark nights (we’re almost there though!) meaning I haven’t been able to get photos of any outfits for a while, and also because the outfit photos I attempted to take this weekend were ruined when the wind blew my tripod over and broke my beloved portrait lens. I was really upset and phoned Ben in tears on the day, only for him to turn up home that evening with his boss’ lens for me to borrow plus the new Great British Sewing Bee: Fashion with Fabric book, which isn’t even released till Thursday, Amazon must have sent it as a mistake – it’s pretty awesome though!
I’m not sure if it’s coming across very much via the blog, but over the past year, my style has started to take a turn more towards the pin up and retro side. In the past, I always wanted to be one of the bloggers that could turn up at charity shops and vintage fairs and pick up the most beautiful vintage pieces really cheap and they would fit me perfectly. But, alas, that wasn’t to be, since there are a very few vintage shops and fairs in North Yorkshire, and those we do have are slightly more on the expensive side, plus it’s hit and miss finding something to fit and suit you. So instead I starting turning more towards repro and pin up style clothing – many of these are made to fit a shape a bit more like mine (rather than modern clothing which seems to be pretty drapey or straight up and down at the moment), plus they’re a cheaper alternative to real vintage.
So I decided to share with you a few of the bloggers I turn to for style inspiration for this sort of clothing – some of these aren’t all out retro or pin up wearers, but do wear things inspired by these type of things. A few I’ve read for a long time, a few are new reads. Hope you enjoy!
Cici Marie
June Bugs & Georgia Peaches
I’ve been reading June Bugs & Georgia Peaches for quite a while now and love seeing the cute and quirky outfits these two ladies come up with. I’m always amazed by the way they can incorporate pin up style outfits, including full petticoats and corsets, into their lives in such a hot climate! Amanda also has a great corseting tips series going on too.
Chicago Chic
Chicago Chic is a little bit more of a grown up and sophisticated look at pin up styling, closer to Dita than cutesy, with some stunning looks. This is another blog with some corseting tips and reviews, and a very unique sense of style.
Atomic Amber
Atomic Amber is a bit more of a recent discovery for me, and another with corset reviews (spotting a theme here yet?!). She sports some very fetching typical pin up outfits and some with quirky twists, plus I love her 5 minute beehive tutorial, must try this sometime!
Forever Amber
Amber is quite possibly the person who I would love to steal wardrobes off most in the whole world. I’ve been reading her blog for quite a while now, although not as long as she’s been around on the world of the interwebs, but I’ve quite possibly backtracked through pretty much her whole blog during this time! She recently posted about her “uniform” of full skirts and fitted tops, and if it was feasible for me, this is a uniform I’d quite happily adopt! While she’s technically not a pin up/retro blogger, her outfits are often made up of pieces that could quite easily be.
Into the Woods
Vintage at Heart
This and the next blog are a little different as they’re Australian based! There seems to be a fairly strong retro/repro/vintage community out there, and these are two of my favourites. I’ve read Vintage at Heart (or Harlow Darling) for a long time – I remember her making the decision to wear more retro inspired clothing, but I think those posts are gone now. Most of her outfits are repro clothing, and you’ve got to love this recent repro sportswear one, amazing!
Gracefully Vintage
As I said, this is another gorgeous Australian retro/pin up blog. Kayla also features some lovely repro clothing and has recently had quite a big focus on swimwear too with some stunning pictures (I always love retro style bikinis/swimwear more than modern!) and awesome poses.
PS: The only image in this post that is mine is the first one, all the others (including logos) belong to the wonderful bloggers linked below them, so full credit goes to them for those!
Linking up at Danielle Alinia.
Ah, Sian, I’m so delighted to be featured in this round-up among some of the blogging greats! I read the majority of these blogs and these women are all so inspiring – I’m only too happy to be listed alongside them. I’m also so glad you’re enjoying my blog so far 🙂 CC x
No worries, I definitely love your blog so had to feature you! xx
A super-duper roundup – I follow all of these ladies! Makes for lots of inspiration. x
They are all lovely ladies with a fantastic sense of style, glad you like the list! xx
Oh wow, thanks so much for including me in this, Sian – I’m in some amazing company here! I already read CiCi Marie, but will definitely have to check out the others! x
No worries! Definitely do, they are some amazing ladies 🙂 xx
Wow! I feel pretty honoured to be in a lineup with such BABES! And also to be mentioned by someone as fabulous as yourself. It has honestly made my day as I’ve never been mentioned on someones blog before. Thank you so much, gorgeous.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
All my love,
Amber Rose
Ah no worries! Of course, I had to include you – such wonderful style! Really glad you like the list and you’re happy to be included 🙂 xx
Thank you so much for the mention lovely, it made me blush to be mentioned on here together with friends and some of my favorite bloggers that I admire 🙂
No worries, really glad you’re happy to be included in the list!
Wow these girls are way more stylish than I’ll ever be.
Tegan xx – Permanent Procrastination
Love retro and Pin Up style! If you’re ever looking for someone to collaborate with photo-wise, my friend Lisa @ Candee Photography (find her here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Candee-Photography/223157504390728?fref=ts) is FAB! x
aawwww so nice so beautifull i really like your dress and your vintage styles