Introducing: Disney Days | Setting up a new blog

Disney Days blog

I’ve shared my love of Disney quite a few times on the blog, but I’ve never quite gone the whole way and shown you quite how much I love Disney. And now, well let’s just say I am! I’ve been thinking about doing this for a long time, but never taken the leap – I already run 2 blogs in my spare time, and I wasn’t sure whether I could deal with running another one, so I tried to keep the Disney posts on here as another section. Well, when my list of Disney posts to write reached over about 25, I decided there was nothing for it but to start up a whole new blog.

Introducing: Disney Days!

As of this post going live, there should only be an introduction post on the blog. But don’t worry, as I’ve been planning this for a long time and actually have a backlog of several posts ready and raring to go, along with that list I mentioned earlier which has been rapidly expanding ever since the plan took hold to actually start a dedicated Disney blog. There will be no lack of ideas there, I promise!

all our dreams - walt disney

So can I pretend I’m a pro-blogger now?! Nah, I just like writing about things I love and seemingly I can’t be stopped! I am getting a little bit pro at setting up these new blogs though – I mean, I’ve done it for clients too now! (And by clients, I mean my dad…).
This one was a little different to usual though – I normally just buy a domain and get work to sort it out for me. I know, I’m super lazy and have super techy people at work to help me! This time though, I bought my domain through 1&1 as usual, then decided I wanted to sort out my hosting so I had all my blogs in one easy place. I bought the hosting, then sorted out the domain transfer. Okay, maybe I didn’t do it myself – Ben sorted it in the end for me for the new blog, and my other 2 blogs are still in the process of moving over (read: not yet, but will be soon ;D).
Nevertheless, within 24 hours of buying my new Disney domain, I had a template on it and was writing and scheduling posts!

So what are you going to see over there? Lots of Disney is the short answer! A lot of it will be focused on my personal Disney experience, mostly WDW in Florida, but a bit about Disneyland Paris, things about the films, Disney related news and merchandise, and more. I’m super excited to get properly started on it! If you’re a Disney fan too, make sure to say hi over on Disney Days! And if you’d like (I would love it!), you can follow the blog on:
Disney Days Bloglovin’
Disney Days Twitter
Or simply via WordPress email thingy in the side bar 😉

See you there!


  1. March 22, 2016 / 11:07 am

    Oh wow you are a busy bee!! It sounds like fun, I shall have to go and check it out. I can’t say I’m a particular Disney fan though, I do enjoy the movies but I’ve never been to Disneyland. However, after visiting Universal Studios in Florida last year, I am a bit of a convert so hopefully one day I will!!
    Suzy x

  2. March 22, 2016 / 3:10 pm

    Brilliant! Well done you, I’m just heading over to Bloglovin’ now to give it a follow 🙂 Jas x
    Jas Poole Blog | photography + lifestyle

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