The Problem with Outfit Blogging

Autumn Outfit with burgundy skirt & knitwear

Autumn Outfit with burgundy skirt & knitwear

I’ve always called Rebel Angel a personal style blog that features my outfits. As soon as I realised that there were fashion blogs writing about the top trends, who was wearing what, catwalk shows and so on, I knew I wasn’t one of those. I’m not fashionable and I don’t stick to trends – I just like to wear clothes that I like and I enjoy writing about them on the interwebs.
But unfortunately, recently I’ve had a lot fewer opportunities to photograph my outfits – my lifestyle is just not conducive to outfit blogging any more. We all know the story – you go to work before it gets light (and who wants to wake up earlier to take photos anyway? Not me!), lunch breaks are currently spent yoga-ing or running errands, I get home from work as the sun is setting, and indoor photos are a faff, even with my fancy lighting.
Over the past few years, I’ve had a few blogging crises – I worry about what content I’m putting out there. Too many photos of myself? Not enough outfits? Outfits that are boring? Posts that are boring? And I think it’s all a part of growing as a blogger. It’s natural to want to see success in something that you’ve worked hard on year after year, and I luckily do see many successes from it, but it’s also only natural to want to see yourself improve, and when your time is limited, there isn’t always the opportunity for improvement.
When I started outfit blogging, there weren’t as many of us out there, and those of us that were out there weren’t into the magazine-style shoots that you tend to see everywhere today. We were snapping photos on point and shoot cameras in our bedrooms on self timer, just showing off what we were wearing that very day. Nowadays, most outfit bloggers look polished and prepped; they have their own photographers or meet up with other bloggers to sort out outfit shoots. Excuses, excuses, but living where I do and working full time (plus other commitments that I don’t have to make but enjoy doing, read more about that here) mean that I can’t often manage an outfit shoot that’s perfect. But I just feel that sometimes my outfit content has stagnated a couple of years back when I desperately want to improve it but don’t have the chance to do so.
So that’s my problem with outfit blogging – I still want to do it, and I still try to do it as often as I can, because at its heart, that’s what this blog is for, but I don’t have the same opportunities to do it that I used to.

Autumn Outfit with burgundy skirt & knitwear Autumn Outfit with burgundy skirt & knitwear Autumn Outfit with burgundy skirt & knitwear

Nevertheless, here is an outfit. A real outfit that I wore for a day at work and got very creased in the skirt! I then wore it out for dinner with friends to a local pub where I had a few problems with it. You see, what looks like a jumper is in fact a bodysuit. I love these at the moment as they stay tucked into your skirt and have a clean line. The problem is though that they can ride up a lot (check!) and the poppers can sometimes come undone (double check!). Awkward situation when you’re walking out of the pub and they come undone!
As with many of my outfits, I bought the bodysuit and skirt together, both from ASOS on the day they had triple points for their A List – boom! And of course, I did what I always do and wore them immediately together the next day – does anyone else do that?

Autumn Outfit with burgundy skirt & knitwear Autumn Outfit with burgundy skirt & knitwear Autumn Outfit with burgundy skirt & knitwear

Outfit details

Blanket Scarf: Joules (see how I wore it last year) | ASOS | ASOS | Ankle Boots: Next ()


  1. Lynsey
    October 26, 2016 / 7:56 am

    I love reading your blogs and seeing your outfits, I love dressmaking and inspiration really helps me to decide what to try and make. I lots of blogs and this comes up lots, the professional photo problem, it’s such a shame as I would always rather see any photo to no photos. You have a super sense of style, one that I always love to see and go ooooohh that’s nice, I want those or can I copy and make that look. Life if hard enough so don’t be hard on yourself. Do what you can do and don’t worry about what you can’t.

    • Sian Thomas
      October 27, 2016 / 9:01 am

      Thank you so much for your lovely words! I think I need to focus on my sewing a bit and featuring more of those because they feel a lot more “me” and what I want to write about at the moment, so it’s lovely to hear that you like the dressmaking posts 🙂 Thanks!

  2. Marijke Koelmans
    October 26, 2016 / 8:47 am

    Hi Sian, the fact that your blog is not that magazine-ish is nice. Your blog is more like a diary with sometimes clothes and sometimes other subjects. I like that. Do you know the book Women on Clothes? B.Rgds.

    • Sian Thomas
      October 27, 2016 / 9:34 am

      Thank you! That’s the way I try to go with it being more a diary of what I’m doing and what I’m interested in at the time, and clothes just happen to be one of them 🙂 I don’t know it, but I’ll look it up – thank you for the recommendation!

  3. October 26, 2016 / 11:57 am

    I always wear things together when they’ve arrived together. Then in future, I struggle to think of wearing them with much else.

    • Sian Thomas
      October 27, 2016 / 10:17 am

      Haha I do the same! They end up “paired” together in my head and it’s hard to figure out other things to wear them with!

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