Back onto the Style Challenge – take a look at all these posts here! The only problem with the fact that I’m keeping up with taking these photos is that I’ve got too much blog content – not a problem I thought I’d be having any time soon! I’m having to do two posts a day sometimes to make sure that I’m getting everything live in time. #FirstWorldProblems
This vintage tartan skirt is a definite old favourite and I always wish it was appropriate to wear tartan for more of the year. I’ve actually featured pretty much this outfit on the blog before, although I swapped in burgundy tights and brown ankle boots with it this time instead of black tights and burgundy shoes. It also appeared in another style challenge here (which actually failed!) and when it was really snowy back in 2013. I love wearing tartan in all its various forms so I really take advantage of it around this time of year as I think it looks really festive and wintery.
So how did everyone’s weekends go? I spent Saturday doing a lot of catch up work – a bit of tidying, two loads of washing, popping to the bank and post office, catching up on a bit of blog admin, sewing (I’ll hopefully feature this project soon!) and had a quick bath that was cut short when my parents suddenly arrived at my house with a new car! Ben was out at work and I was expecting him back soon, but when someone knocked and walked in while I was in the bath I was very confused and thought it was a very polite burglar – luckily I figured out by the shouts that it was just the parents! Ben and I popped out in the evening to spend some gift cards we had at Next, M&S and Wilkos getting a few bits and pieces for the house before having pulled pork for tea – always a fave!
On Sunday we had lunch with the family at my grandparents – Yorkshire puddings galore! My grandma makes the best Yorkshire puddings and we even have them as a starter 😀
Outfit Details
Jumper: Warehouse via ASOS | Skirt: Vintage via eBay | Ankle Boots: Dorothy Perkins via House of Fraser*
Loving the tartan skirt, I used to have a red one similar and really should think of getting another, I’m liking pencil type skirts I wonder if tartan would like as that type?? The cream jumper really lifts the outfit too. My weekend was very similar, jobs, shopping, housework, bit of sewing and crochet and a takeaway Chinese Saturday night yum!
I love any kind of tartan skirt! I have a pencil one which definitely works in my eyes 😀 Sounds like a lovely weekend 🙂
I really like this tartan skirt and the whole look works really well on you! Kx
Thank you!