The Frozen Dress: A Disney Birthday Present for a 5 Year Old

Not only were my sister and I brought up in the Disney tradition, we’re now slowly coercing our young cousins in the same direction too! Mollie and Eva are currently 5 and 2 3/4 (so almost 3), and are already almost as Disney obsessed as we are. We started them early: their birthday and Christmas presents from us have pretty much all been Disney inspired, and some of their first words were: Mickey and Minnie. Although Eva has unfortunately got stuck on “Mickey” so that Minnie also gets called that – oops!

One of their major Disney obsessions, like most girls of that age, is Frozen. Beth and I were big Frozen fans at the start – we loved the sister story and Olaf, of course. There’s been so much hype around it now though that we’re slightly tired of it, but there’s no stopping Mollie and Eva! They can sing you all the songs off by heart and will relate everyone in the family to one of the characters – I’m Anna; Beth was, unfortunately, Sven one day! And their daddy was Queen Elsa!

And of course, they have the DVD, they have almost every Frozen toy, book and jigsaw out there. Mollie even has both an Anna and an Elsa dress! But when I was at a market one day and spotted this Frozen fabric hidden under a pile on a fabric stall, I knew I had to get it to make something for them – I couldn’t leave it behind! I’ve found it available to buy on eBay for only £2.75 for one fat quarter, which is pretty awesome really.

How to make a Disney Frozen dress

The pattern I used was the Girl’s Dress from the Great British Sewing Bee: Sew Your Own Wardrobe book, although I changed the way in which I put it together and included a “snowball” trim which I’d had in my stash for a while.
She’s a little bit tiny for her age, so though I made the age 5 dress, it’s still quite a bit too big on her. Nevertheless, she was a big fan!

Frozen handmade dress

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