Outfit | Ballet Teacher

Collectif dress with red tights & cardigan

We’re going back a couple of weeks here with outfit photos because I’ve been off resting my wrist for a little bit. I’ve actually now been referred to see a physio about it so had that appointment earlier this week where I was given some exercises to do and given a splint to keep on my wrist at night or to use when it gets too tired or sore. It has an official name and everything, and actually is what exactly what I’d diagnosed myself with having: De Quervain’s Syndrome. Just to note, I didn’t tell the doctor I’d asked Dr Google or mention anything about this, I’d seen it online and every symptom fitted. It’s as a result of the time they hit the nerve in it when I was having gallbladder surgery, but luckily, it should sort itself out if I give it plenty of rest to get rid of the inflammation that’s caused it to flare again and to build up the tendons around it again to protect it. But basically, I’ve had a lot of blog inspiration in the past couple of weeks and currently have around 20 partially written blog posts sitting in my drafts, all of which I want to publish in the next like week, but that’s kind of impossible – hence why some days you’ll see a couple of blog posts and others none, all depends on how many I manage to get written and sorted!

Anyway, onto the outfit! I’ve worn this dress from Collectif on the blog before – I tend to save it more for “occasions” than everyday office wear but decided, why should I not wear it to the office? It’s one of the few dresses that has survived my wardrobe culling because it’s a classic with a lovely shape and in the ever popular shade of black, so I want to find more ways to wear it more often. It does always need a black top underneath it though as the neckline is very low cut and I’m rather on the larger busted side! I tend to always pair it with bright colours – I find it hard to wear black and black, I’m just not that into it! I was going for ballerina inspired with the shorter cardigan, full skirt and ballet pump shoes (which are soon going to find their way to the bin – sob! They now have a hole in the toe), but Laura told me at work that I looked like a ballet teacher, and I liked that a lot more. I remember always admiring my ballet teachers when I was younger as they seemed so effortlessly elegant, swishing around in full skirts and perfect posture.

Outfit Details

Cropped ASOS Cardigan | Black Collectif Trixie Dress | H&M Tights | Matalan Ballet Pumps

Collectif dress with red tights & cardigan


  1. Karen
    February 3, 2017 / 5:15 pm

    Red and black is so good on you, and I always love pairing red tights with black – I think it’s pretty much the only way I wear them! I hope your wrist is sorted out soon.

    • Sian Thomas
      February 4, 2017 / 9:41 am

      Thank you! That’s mostly how I wear them too – red and black is just a really fun pairing 🙂

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