This outfit, or at least these jeans, are always going to make me laugh now. I wore them to Brownies (with my Brownie uniform top swapped in) and was confronted with a barrage of giggling girls asking “What have you done to your trousers?!” as soon as I walked in the door! And the theme continued all night, even after I explained to them that my jeans were “supposed to look like that!”. They kept insisting I must have been doing some really messy painting at work before I reached them that day – if only I could do really messy painting at work, that would be fun!
I took this set of photos a little while back now but didn’t get round to uploading them very quickly. In fact, I can tell you it was the week before the clocks changed – that’s how long ago it was! – because it was when the sun was just setting as I was coming home from work around 5.30pm so I rushed out with my new camera and tripod on the way to Brownies to snap some photos with the setting sun – it makes for some very atmospheric snaps, although not ideal outfit ones.
I’ve featured the flares on the blog before but I actually tried to take another set of outfit photos featuring them in the same place as these (although facing the other direction) once before that didn’t end quite so well and made me a bit nervous of a repeat this time. The last time, it was super windy and my tripod blew over, smashing my portrait lens. So yep, that was sad. Very sad. I phoned Ben sobbing about my poor lens – I get a little attached! He actually surprised me with a new one a few days later so that was super awesome. But like I said, I didn’t want a repeat of that!
Have you spotted my “Pet” badge here?! I actually rewore this top the other day (50p from Lidl, #justsayin’) and the badge was still attached, having survived a trip through the washing machine – boom! My friends asked me about it the other night and I went through the whole rigmarole of explaining how it was given out at the end of the show when I went to watch Sarah Millican’s Outsider tour and she did a bit about people being either a “Flower” or a “Pet”, in her native Geordie dialect. The story didn’t come across well when I tried to recant it though, so I’ll try my best here!
A “Flower” is someone who’s very self-sufficient and independent – they only need a little bit of water and sunlight and they get on with things. A “Pet” is someone who, well, isn’t. I was determined that I was a Flower, nodding along to that part all smugly while Ben shook his head knowingly at me. Until she went further to explain how she’s a Pet, explaining how her husband will walk in the door to find her trying to touch the ceiling shouting “LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME” or how she’ll do something like sing a song and end with “Ta Da!” expecting a round of applause. And…yep. With tears of laughter rolling down my face and how well she’d just described me (“Look! Look!! I’m doing bridge!! I’m doing BRIDGE!!“), it was decided that I was a Pet.
Outfit Details
Top: Lidl (50p! Can I tell you again?!) | | | Boots: Dorothy Perkins via House of Fraser*