Like I said on my new newsletter page, because it’s not like I don’t have enough to do with my life right now!
A couple of my long time blogging BFFs, Charlotte and Michelle, write their own newsletters and I’ve found that I’ve been opening every single one as soon as they hit my inbox and reading them over and over. I feel like it’s a more intimate way to connect with people – does that sound weird?! And basically, it gives me another excuse to write things that I want to write and a different way for people to keep up to date with them. I’m hoping it will be more personal – my thoughts, things I like, things I’ve seen – than the blog. More like a letter from a friend.
I’ll share some posts I’ve recently written in the newsletter, but not just the ones here. I write at several different places, so I’ll share some faves in the newsletter. There will also be a lot of ramblings that you won’t get here on the blog – or anywhere else for that matter.
So I’d love it if my words weren’t just going out into the ether without anyone to read them! Make sure to subscribe here or in the form below to keep up to date.