Got a book addict in your life? If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you’ve got plenty. Or maybe you’re just a bookworm looking to treat yourself, which is definitely a good thing because I’m seriously considering buying pretty much this whole list for myself after hitting publish #sorrynotsorry.
I came across the first item on this list while randomly browsing the Halloween section of Modcloth (no, I’m not entirely sure why it was there either) and it inspired this whole list. I could go for DAYS with the Harry Potter items I could add to this (I should tell you I’m sat writing this list wearing this Quidditch jumper from Primark), but I decided to limit myself to just one (ONE!) item so that it wouldn’t just become a Harry Potter list!
Book addicts like me love to represent their favourite obsessions wherever they can. My desk and home are filled with small nods to my favourite literary characters. Clothing that hints (or shouts) these obsessions is the best. Seriously.
This Great Gatsby sweater was the inspiration for the whole list. If you read my regular book posts, you probably already know that this is pretty much one of my favourite books of all time. I read it at least once a year, watch the film every few months (it’s one film version of the book that I think is just as good) and have the final lines of the book printed in our downstairs bathroom.
I’ve got to be honest, I’ve never been a fan of the cover depicted on the sweater. It just doesn’t really fit the book the way I see it all that well and is a little creepy with the eyes! I still haven’t found my ideal cover of the book yet though, but this is a pretty awesome version.
Of course there was going to be something Disney on this list! Alice in Wonderland was originally a book by C. S. Lewis before it was anything Disney, as I’m sure you all know, and makes for some gorgeously whimsical clothing and jewellery pieces. It was a tough decision between a few to add to the list, but the fullness of this skirt with the subtle nod to Alice with the pages, bow and teacups won me over.
I’ve always thought books would make amazing bags but never had the courage to butcher one up to do so. Fortunately someone has already done it for me, and this Series of Unfortunate Events Carnivorous Carnival clutch bag was born! I read this whole series when I was younger, but it’s had a bit of a resurgence lately with the Netflix series version of it launching in the past year.
I love this quote so much. Yes, it’s so hipster. And yes, it’s so stereotypically YA. But I think we’ve ascertained already that I don’t care about that.
This T shirt is quoting the Perks of Being a Wallflower which I read years ago and liked but didn’t love. I saw that they made a film version with Emma Watson recently so watched that then reread the book and absolutely fell in love with the characters. Another film that equals the book in my opinion. I’m not hugely keen on the print of this one, but I’m thinking about getting my own printed with this quote – this company offers fast T-shirt printing that I think might just do the trick!
The Northern Lights series by Philip Pullman is one that, somehow, I only read this year for the first time – I know! And I fell in love with the world.
I love this dress which depicts Lyra, her compass and Iorek Byrnison. I’m not entirely sure on the “Last Dustbender” text, but I can overlook that for the rest of it!
I did say I had to get a Harry Potter item in there! And what could be more subtly Harry Potter but still screams it to the fans than Ron’s Christmas jumper? Plus it looks super cozy and warm too.
The illustration on this Roald Dahl T shirt will throw you right back into your childhood. And the quote is awesome too. A literary T shirt with a moral? Yes please.