Outfit: Tartan & Slogan Tee

Alice's Pig Coat, faux fur headband winter outfit in the snow Vintage tartan skirt with feminist slogan tee outfit in the snow

In true Brit-style, allow me to talk about the weather for five minutes, because it snowed and that’s just what we do! So after a remarkably warm Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we finally got our white Christmas, just a few days too late. We’d had a really pretty chilly December with a few days of snow and my car being completely iced over every single day, only with that to disappear just in time for Christmas. At least it was better than our Boxing Day 2 years ago where our usual 30 minute journey home took over 2 hours thanks to floods at every turn! The way we got through in the end was closed about 20 minutes after we got through too – it was madness!

But anyway, the snow is here – right on the day that Ben went back to work, typical! He took my car this morning as it has better traction than his. The only problem with this is that as soon as I knew there was a good covering of snow outside, I wanted to take the opportunity to take outfit photos in it, but I didn’t want to risk taking his car anywhere.

Alice's Pig Coat, faux fur headband winter outfit in the snow

Alice's Pig Coat, faux fur headband winter outfit in the snow

I’ve found that the area we live in now is very tricky for outfit photos with a tripod (speaking of which, Ben got me a new fancy one for Christmas!). Our estate is crescent shaped which means that although it’s got a lovely green in the middle with trees at the bottom that would make a nice backdrop, every single house looks out onto it. The problem is that I know most of our neighbours well enough to talk to, but not enough that I’ve explained to them all about blogging and why I take pictures of myself with a self-timer and tripod! There are also some beautiful countryside backdrops near us, but they’re a car journey away. So, the garden it was today! Fortunately the snow made it look a lot prettier.

With the snow and it being that funny festive time between Christmas and New Year, I decided it was the ideal time to break out the tartan. Not that I haven’t already – I wear tartan on repeat during winter! This skirt is definitely a favourite – I wore it here in the snow before once, in fact –  but this time I decided to pair it up a little differently to my usual polo neck or knitwear (I should do a remix post showing all the ways I’ve worn it actually!). This time I decided to go for a very on-trend “Feminist” slogan tee.

Vintage tartan skirt with feminist slogan tee outfit in the snow

Fun story about this T shirt – I received it from MissPap a few weeks ago and wore it for the first time just before Christmas. I came downstairs and Ben scoffed at me, saying “You’re hardly that!”. My response, of course, was “Why not?!”, to which he answered: “You’re not flexible enough”. So I stood there perplexed at why you suddenly needed to be flexible to be a feminist. It then became apparent that my hair was covering part of the phrase and Ben had misread it as “Gymnast” (I’m pretty sure he’s dyslexic by the way, although he was never told so at school!). Suddenly the flexible comment made a lot more sense!

The shoes are also newish festive ones. They’re a gorgeous burgundy velvet, not really appropriate in the snow (but luckily I wasn’t going anywhere!) but very appropriate with the outfit I thought. I can’t quite think of any other ways to wear them other than around Christmas so I’m trying to get as much wear as I can from them now.

Alice's Pig Coat, faux fur headband winter outfit in the snow Alice's Pig Coat, faux fur headband winter outfit in the snow

I also added a couple of accessories to this outfit that were both entirely necessary in the snowy weather and also just pretty. The faux fur headband I bought at the Manchester Christmas markets a few years ago when I visited with my family. I usually wear it very often during the winter but it does upset the dogs at work when I leave it on my desk – I think they think it’s a tiny dog on my desk!

The gloves were a Christmas stocking present from my mum. I’d actually seen them in a little shop in Helmsley in a couple of weeks before and she’d gone back to pick them up for me! Now I just have to not lose one of them as I do with most of my gloves.

Alice's Pig Coat, faux fur headband winter outfit in the snow Alice's Pig Coat, faux fur headband winter outfit in the snow

And finally, not necessary in the snow but necessary as it matches the coat, this little Harris Tweed bag. Even that has a story! I wore this coat to my grandparents’ house on Boxing Day, and my grandad spotted the little stag on the collar against the plaid print. He exclaimed that my grandma had a similar one that she hadn’t had the chance to use yet and offered it to me to use with the coat for a bit since it matched so perfectly – I was happy it snowed while I’m borrowing it from her because it meant I could get ideal photos with it against the snowy backdrop in the coat!

Outfit Details

Faux Fur Headband: Manchester Christmas Markets | Stag Pin: Collectif | Coat: Alice’s Pig | Gloves: Gift | Cardigan: Hell Bunny | Feminist Tee: c/o MissPap | Tartan Skirt: Vintage | Velvet Shoes: Collectif

Alice's Pig Coat, faux fur headband winter outfit in the snow


1 Comment

  1. January 5, 2018 / 9:19 pm

    Oh, I am in love with that coat! It reminds me of the gorgeous one Joe Brown’s has out every year! xx

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