Terrible photo, please ignore the pile of washing and peg bag (our washing machine is in the garage – ie. the door opposite this one – and it was waiting to go in there!) and the messy background, but I got a new fitted dress and suddenly – BOOM – is that a bump?! Yep, a good portion of that is most likely bloating, and the vast majority of it is likely my other organs being pushed upwards rather than actual baby, but that bloating and moving is happening because of baby, so I’ll take it! Since then, it’s gone up and down, up and down, so that in general, I mostly still look like this, but hopefully the trend is veering towards more bump than not!
On with the week though! So I actually got crazy bruised from my blood test with the midwife on Thursday the week before (which never happens!) and it was still there this Thursday – I’m assuming that’s to do with more blood in my body right now? Not much of a symptom of note, but something interesting to me at least. Food aversions were SO real this week – I hated almost every food at some point, but found solace in orange juice.
On Tuesday night, it was time for another big reveal! My friendship groups can be a little confusing as I have one group – my “book club” girls, Charley, Rosie and Fran – who I see pretty frequently and generally all together; then I have another group – Rosie and Helen – who I also see together. Just one problem there – Rosie, the crossover between the groups! Since Charley already knew, I had a conundrum – Rosie, Helen and I had booked to go to Friends Fest in Newcastle the weekend of 9 weeks, and I knew I’d need to tell them then – I was struggling to eat most foods, and I was also not sure whether I would manage the train journey without feeling sick. Plus I was just super excited to tell them! But I also didn’t want Fran left out so that next time we all got together, Rosie and Charley would already know but Fran wouldn’t. So another reveal was planned!
See more of my pregnancy diary posts here or check out the whole thing:
Luckily it was Fran’s birthday this week, so for her present, I got her a subscription to a tea company (my dad got me this for Christmas and I loved it, even though I don’t really drink tea). This meant it needed a card for the voucher to go inside…signed by Sian, Ben and BUMP! Although as we’ve discovered, my reveals don’t go without at least some hitches! Fran said thank you then put the card down saying she’d open it the next day, on her actual birthday – but Charley and I both jumped up shouting “NO, NOW!!” at the exact same time that the phone starting ringing! Fortunately it was just Ben so I told him to go away while Charley told Fran to now “WAAAIIITTT!!” But we got there eventually and had a mini celebration when she read the card and realised what it said!
Friday wasn’t such a fun day – I had a routine dentist appointment. I had to force some porridge down at 11am before going (because it was a lunchtime appointment and I’d be starving and feel sick otherwise! I was really worried about having someone doing things in my mouth too in case it made me feel sick. This week was a pretty terrible one in terms of feeling sick almost all the time, and this stuck around for a good couple of weeks afterwards – I think I talk more about this in upcoming weeks, but it was utterly exhausting to feel like this, physically of course, but also mentally, as I’m dealing with it as a phobia at the same time. There were definitely points where I really wondered if I could actually deal with this and what if the feeling stuck around forever.
Anyway, fortunately the appointment was all fine and I popped over to my parents’ house afterwards since it’s near them. The only problem I had was that I had to tell the dentist I was pregnant, and unfortunately, the town my dentist is in is the one where my family and Ben’s family all grew up – basically everyone knows me, including the 2 dental nurses, and my dentist has been the same one since I was born! As such, even though the records are all of course confidential, we didn’t want to run the risk of anyone finding out by accident, so we knew it would soon be time to break the news properly to the rest of the family.
I got home on Friday to find my scan letter had arrived! This felt like the LONGEST wait…although I’m sure the next part, actually waiting for the scan, will feel even longer. The 12 week scan is 14th August, which was 2.5 weeks from when I received the letter. This evening, we also rang all the grandparents (baby’s great-grandparents!) to let them know – we’re lucky in that I have all 4 grandparents and Ben has 3 (plus Aunty Sue, who we totally count as a grandparent!). They were all so pleased and very excited!
On Saturday, we had Charley and Frankie over briefly so we made scones, chatted and played some board games. Luckily these scones weren’t an aversion! In the evening, we had Chinese takeaway (and again, I managed!) with my family and looked through their holiday photos at their house.
I’ve had a few cravings lately: flying saucers, pickled onions, hummus, but one major craving I’ve had throughout has been white wine. It’s ridiculous because if I drank one glass of wine a week before, that would be a LOT for me – it’s more like one per month – I’ve just never been fussed by it. But I’ve spent the last few weeks furiously grabbing other people’s wine and smelling it and wishing I could have it. So on Saturday evening, Ben pulled out a bottle of non-alcoholic wine for me to try. Sadly it was WAY too sweet and just didn’t appeal to me! This was even weirder since before, the sweeter the wine, the better, for me, but now, nope – I just want crisp, dry white wine.
Sunday was a really fun day as I went to Friends Fest with Rosie and Helen (photos dotted throughout this post!) and got to reveal to them too! We were to meet at York train station and go to Newcastle from there, so I was a bit worried about when I could tell them, and of course, there’s the hitch in this plan too! We arrived at different times at the station, so I couldn’t tell them immediately, then we had to rush to get tickets and get to the platform. Then we sat down on the train on a table seat for 4 with a girl around our age sat in the window seat – I could hardly tell them then, can you imagine how awkward it would be for her?! Keeping quiet on the train was hard, but I thought, it’s fine, I’ll tell them when we arrive and are waiting for the bus – but of course, we couldn’t find the right bus! Finally, we ordered an Uber then had a quiet minute to wait…and I got to tell them! Again, lots of excitement and the poor Uber driver got to hear ALL about my early symptoms as well as information on Helen’s previous pregnancies too! I’d been super excited to tell her as she’s the only close friend who already has children – she had her second earlier this year – and I had plenty of questions and things to discuss!
Friends Fest itself was fun – we got to see all the main sets including Joey’s apartment, Monica and Rachel’s apartment, and even Ross’ apartment; we got to pose on the PIVOT staircase and at the Vegas wedding, and there was even a Central Perk scene set up with the sofa and Phoebe’s guitar for “Smelly Cat” photos! We got pizza from Joey’s Pizza, which again, was totally manageable – give me all the carbs! – but I didn’t want a dessert like the others had.
This week I also started sleeping with an extra pillow under my knee occasionally, mostly because I really really want a pregnancy pillow (and have done for years because they look SO comfortable!) but I don’t want to commit to buying one yet. Then it got too hot and I had to chuck it out of the bed – eurgh, heatwave.