If it wasn’t immediately obvious from that picture, then…well, good, I suppose! Our plan is to err more on the side of gender neutral, pretty much with everything grey, yellow and navy blue, and I suppose white for the beginning too – everyone keeps telling me I just need plain white babygrows and I’m a bit confused about this as, well, babies are messy, aren’t they?!
Nevertheless, I’m most certainly not averse to a good fox print, and Next had this fox dress with a matching bodysuit and tights, and it was the number one thing I knew I needed as soon as I started looking at baby clothes, so our baby, whether boy or girl, was ALWAYS going to be wearing this, despite the fact that it’s technically a dress. Fortunately we won’t have to subject the baby to future torment when friends and family look back on photos, as she’s a girl!
I’ll save all the scan talk for my pregnancy diaries posts, but as a quick overview, we actually had two scans at 20 weeks, because someone was being shy! Let’s just say that at the NHS 20 week scan, she was wriggling around like crazy, so much so that the sonographer could barely keep her still for a good look at anything, let alone the gender. But as soon as we asked the question at the end whether we could find out if it was looking more like boy or girl – BAM! Her legs were clamped shut and she wasn’t moving!
As I’ve probably said before though just how impatient I am, and I was desperate to know whether to call the wriggly thing in my tummy “she” or “he” rather than “it” all the time, so we booked in for a private scan locally. Again, I’ll go into detail all about this in my pregnancy diaries, but she was the complete opposite here – legs akimbo, giving us an excellent view to say that she’s ALL girl, but refusing to move to show us her face!
Up until recently, the only clothing we’ve bought could be for either boy or girl – some people were a little unsure on the Mickey outfit I got at Mothercare rather than Minnie, but considering that it’s grey and that I wear Mickey themed clothes all the time, I really don’t think that matters! Same for the Mickey Mouse soft toy we brought back from Disney. I’ve bought a couple of sets of bodysuits all in white/yellow/turquoise shades that, again, felt gender neutral to me. We also purchased the Minnetonka moccasins (pictured here) while on honeymoon too which could be either boy or girl shoes because I love moccasins and I feel like they’re the cutest on babies, even if they can’t walk.
I’ve now invested in a couple more things such as these bunny rabbit dungarees and this knitted mustard pinafore outfit (I absolutely fell in LOVE with this) that are definitely more on the girly side. Can you tell I’m obsessed with Next’s baby clothing? Expect our little lady to wear nothing else! I do feel I need to point out that I’ve bought some of these items in larger sizes to fit into at a later date as I’ve been told newborns will basically just wear sleepsuits all the time, so don’t worry.
We’re also going, potentially, a little controversial and having a blue nursery for a girl – shock, horror! In fact, what used to be my sewing room is now going to the nursery and we really like the idea of the dark blue wall against the grey nursery furniture we’ve bought, plus a few other yellow, grey and gold elements we’ll be adding in there. I’m super excited to get the nursery all properly decorated!