With Spring just around the corner, now is a great time to start thinking about how you can spruce up your home for this time of the year. The dark, cold and gloomy months will soon be behind us so Spring is a great time to freshen your home for this brighter, happier and more colourful time of the year. Here are a few tips to try:

The winter months often force us to spend long periods of time inside which can make the home feel cramped and messy. Decluttering and Spring cleaning can do wonders in terms of opening up space and helping the entire home to feel cleaner, brighter and more welcoming.
Spring is a season that is all about colour and life so it makes sense that adding any kind of plant life to your home can help to welcome this season. In addition to injecting colour into the home, having plant life can also have a positive impact on your mental health as well as improve the smell of the home.
Colourful Accessories
It is out with the old and in with the new when it comes to Spring so think about different accessories and decorations for each room and consider colourful replacements. As an example, you could replace winter cushions with something lighter, smaller and more colourful or a light throw to go over the furniture.
Similarly, you could look to replace artwork with items which have a brighter and happier feel. Paintings of landscapes or photographs of flowers, for example, can make a room to feel brighter and more colourful to suit the time of the year.
With more sunlight and warmer days you will want to have as much natural light coming through as possible so make sure that the windows are kept clean. Additionally, swapping out heavy winter curtains for lighter summery blinds can make a big difference. Places like Direct Blinds carry a wide range of blinds that can transform a room and welcome in the new season.
You do not always need to spend a huge amount of money replacing furniture to transform a room. Simply repainting your current furniture can be a great way to revitalise the space with pastel colours being a good option for Spring. Additionally, re-arranging the furniture can be an effective way to transform the space so this is worth trying too.
It is a fantastic feeling when Spring finally arrives after months of darkness and horrible weather. You will want to spruce up your home for the arrival of Spring and these are just a few effective ways that you can welcome the warmer, happier and more colourful months of the year.