How to Regain Confidence In Your Relationship after a Baby

This is a collaborative post.

Once you have had a baby, you might feel less of a woman and more like a mother, but you can work on your mindset to improve your relationship with your partner and spruce up your romantic life. You might not be happy with the changes your body has undergone since your baby or toddler was born, but it is important that you partner up with your other half and try to connect, no matter how little time you have for each other.

Emmy Diaries: 1 Month

Regain Your Confidence

The first step you take will be the hardest, and you can use positive affirmations to regain your confidence and femininity. It might feel like you are struggling with losing the baby weight, or haven’t been able to work out as much as you wanted to, but your partner bought in the full picture, not only your looks. If you are able to act and feel confident after a baby, you will have a better chance of building a healthy future together.

Book Dates

No matter if your baby is a few weeks or a couple of months old, you will still need to find time for each other. You can book a date every fortnight or every month when you don’t have to worry about feeding times or sleeping patterns. After all, you will want to make the most out of your relationship, not only short term. It is worth to ask friends or family members for a favor or getting a babysitter in.

Celebrate Intimacy

It is important that you allow your mind to think about adult things, as well as baby stuff. After all, your family is the fruit of your love, and it is worth celebrating. You can take this time to talk about your plans for the future, get some destinations on your bucket list, or plan your first holiday away. Even if you are not able to have the life you had before the baby, you can still notice each other and complement each other. To regain your intimacy in the bedroom, you might want to get a nipple piercing after you have stopped breastfeeding to attract the interest of your partner again.

Be Thoughtful

The birth of a baby is not only changing things for you, but also your partner. They might be the one who has to wake up early in the morning, so creating the right home environment and being thoughtful of their needs, as well as the new baby’s is something you have to pay attention to. Many men feel neglected and pushed aside while their partner is caring for a newborn, and the best way to prevent this is by involving them in the family life. You will have to do things together, with the baby, and have your “me time” as well to have a healthy relationship. You might want to redecorate the bedroom to make it more relaxing and suitable for your new lifestyle.

It is hard to rekindle a relationship after you had a baby. Follow the above tips and you will have all the happiness and romance you need.

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