Oh hey, I’m Sian, mid twenties, and currently living in the middle of pretty much nowhere in a market town in North Yorkshire with my husband Ben, and two cats, Belle and Charlie. I studied Classics (Latin & Ancient Greek, of course!) at Newcastle Uni, spent a year teaching said subjects before joining a Digital Agency back near home again.
You’re most likely to find me: scribbling blog posts (for this blog, Rebel Angel, or one of my others: Big Cup Little Cup, Disney Days or the Thomas the Baker blog I run for my family’s business); curled up under a blanket reading; buzzing away at the sewing machine; practising my singing for choir; organising Brownie activities; doing some online shopping; or collapsed in front of the TV watching murder mysteries because I’ve realised I do far too much stuff!
What’s the blog about?
Rebel Angel is a combination of everything me in blog form. I tend to sum it up as a personal style and writing blog. Mostly you’ll see my outfit photos alongside clothes I like and things I’ve bought recently, but there are also a lot of book reviews, some cooking and recipes, as well as a few travel posts and general ramblings about my day to day life. You’ll be able to find posts on:
Fashion & my outfits
Books & book reviews
Travel & Adventures
House & Home
What camera do you use?
For my 21st birthday, I was lucky enough to receive a . I usually use either my or my and the kit lens that came with the camera .
Do you offer sponsoring or advertising opportunities?
I do indeed, and I’m happy to consider most things that would fit in well with my content, including but not limited to (I feel like an advert here!): fashion, style, lifestyle, food, home and books. If you’re interested, take a look at my sponsor and advertising page or get in touch.
Why do you advertise?
Advertising helps to keep the blog running. I spend a large portion of my time here (between 12 and 20 hours a week usually) alongside my full time job, which is actually doing very much the same thing, just from the other side of the spectrum!
Disclaimer: This blog does offer forms of paid advertising. Items received for review are marked as c/o (courtesy of) within the post. Payment does not affect my judgement of the brand in any way, and if I am asked to endorse a company or collaborate on a post, I will make this clear. A * or “collaborative post” disclaimer on a post indicates that content, payment or an item has been provided. I always retain full editorial control of the content on my blog.
Posts may include affiliate links from RewardStyle and Shopsense.
I like your beautiful picture. I wanna share this all.